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Connect file storage to a cloud server in a single pool

Connect file storage to a cloud server in a single pool

If you need to increase disk space with file storage, we recommend creating storage in the same pool as the cloud server. If the file storage and the cloud server are in the same pool, you need to mount the storage to connect it.

  1. Create file storage.
  2. Mount file storage to cloud server.

If you plan to use file storage to store backups, we recommend pooling storage and cloud server from different availability zones or regions to improve fault tolerance. For details, see the Connect file storage to cloud server in another pool instructions.

Create file storage

  1. In Control Panel, go to Cloud PlatformFile Storage.

  2. Click Create Storage.

  3. Enter a new storage name or leave the name that is automatically created.

  4. Select the pool where the cloud server is located. A vault will be created in this pool.

  5. Select the subnet of the cloud private network. We recommend selecting the subnet where the cloud server is located to automatically configure the network connectivity between the server and the storage.

  6. Select file storage type. Storages differ in read/write speeds and bandwidth values:

    • HDD Basic;

    • SSD Universal;

    • SSD Fast.

      Once created, the storage type cannot be changed.

  7. Specify the storage size: from 50 GB to 50 TB. Once created, you can increase file-storage, but you can't decrease it.

  8. Select a protocol:

    • NFSv4 — for connecting storage to servers running Linux and other Unix systems;

    • CIFS SMBv3 — for connecting the storage to Windows servers.

      Once created, the protocol cannot be changed.

  9. Check out the cost of file storage.

  10. Press Create.

Mount the file storage to the cloud server

The mount process depends on the operating system on the cloud server and the file storage protocol: NFSv4 or CIFS SMBv3.

Mount storage using NFSv4 protocol

  1. Connect to server.

  2. Install the NFS protocol package:

    sudo apt install nfs-common
  3. Create a folder to mount the repository:

    sudo mkdir -p /mnt/nfs
  4. Mount the file storage:

    sudo mount -vt nfs "<filestorage_ip_address>:/shares/share-<mountpoint_uuid>" /mnt/nfs


    • <filestorage_ip_address> — IP address of the file storage. You can look in control panel under Cloud PlatformFile Storage → Storage page → Settings tabIP field;
    • <mountpoint_uuid> — mount point ID. You can look in Control Panel under Cloud PlatformFile Storage → Storage page → Connectivity block → GNU/Linux tab.

Mount storage using CIFS SMBv3 protocol

  1. Connect to server.

  2. Install the CIFS protocol package:

    sudo apt install cifs-utils
  3. Create a folder to mount the repository:

    sudo mkdir -p /mnt/cifs
  4. Mount the file storage:

    sudo mount.cifs -o guest //<filestorage_ip_address>/share-<mountpoint_uuid> /mnt/cifs


    • <filestorage_ip_address> — IP address of the file storage. You can look in control panel under Cloud PlatformFile Storage → Storage page → Settings tabIP field;
    • <mountpoint_uuid> — mount point ID. You can look in control panel under Cloud PlatformFile Storage → Storage page → Connectivity block → GNU/Linux tab.