Connect file storage to a Managed Kubernetes cluster in another pool
If you plan to use file storage to store backups, to improve fault tolerance, we recommend creating a Managed Kubernetes storage and cluster in poolahs from different availability zones or regions. If the file storage and the Managed Kubernetes cluster are in different pools, you must configure private network connectivity at the L3 level to connect the storage via a global router.
Connect the network and subnet for the Managed Kubernetes cluster to the global router.
Connect the network and subnet for the file storage to the global router.
Assign an IP address on the Managed Kubernetes cluster node.
Write routes on the node of the Managed Kubernetes cluster. You can only add routes through technical support.
Check it out example of connecting file storage to a Managed Kubernetes cluster in another pool.
If you need to increase disk space with file storage, we recommend creating the storage in the same pool as the Managed Kubernetes cluster. Read more in the instructions Connect file storage to a Managed Kubernetes cluster in a single pool.
Example of connecting file storage to a Managed Kubernetes cluster
For example, you need to connect file storage in pool ru-2 to a Managed Kubernetes cluster in pool ru-8.
Create a global router.
Connect two private networks to the global router —
for the ru-8 pool and172.16.0.0/29
for pool ru-2. -
Assign an address from a subnet
on a node of a Managed Kubernetes cluster, e.g.
. -
Write a route on the Managed Kubernetes cluster node in the ru-8 pool — to the subnetwork
through the gateway192.168.0.1
. -
Create file storage on a subnetwork
. -
Mount the file storage to the Managed Kubernetes cluster.

1. Create a global router
- В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Global router.
- Click Create a router. Each account is set limit to five global routers.
- Enter the name of the router.
- Click Create.
- If the router was created with status ERROR or hovered in one of the statuses, file a ticket.
2. Connect the network and subnet for the Managed Kubernetes cluster to the router
If the cloud platform network is connected to a global router, you can only manage it on the global router page.
You need to create a global router network and subnet to that project and cloud platform pool where the Managed Kubernetes cluster is created.
You can connect a new network to the router or an existing network if it is not already connected to any of the account's global routers.
Connect a new network
Connect existing network
В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Global router.
Open the router page → tab Networks.
Click Create a network.
Enter a network name, this will only be used in the control panel.
Select a service Cloud platform.
Select pool which has a Managed Kubernetes cluster.
Select project which has a Managed Kubernetes cluster.
Enter the subnet name — this will only be used in the control panel.
Enter the CIDR — IP address and subnet mask. The subnet must meet the conditions:
- belong to the RFC 1918 private address range:
; - have a size of at least /29, as three addresses will be occupied by Servercore network equipment;
- Do not overlap with other subnets added to this router: The IP addresses of each subnet on the router must not overlap with the IP addresses of other subnets on the router;
- If Managed Kubernetes nodes will be included in the global router network, the subnet must not overlap with the ranges
. These subnets participate in the internal addressing of Managed Kubernetes, their use may cause conflicts in the global router network.
- belong to the RFC 1918 private address range:
Enter the gateway IP or leave the first address from the subnet assigned by default. Do not assign this address to your devices to avoid disrupting the network.
Enter service IPs or leave the last addresses from the subnet assigned by default. Do not assign these addresses to your devices to avoid disrupting the network.
Click Create a network.
Optional: check the network topology on the global router. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Global router. Open the page of the desired router and click Network map.
Check that the network has not yet been added to any of the account's global routers. В control panels from the top menu, press Products → Cloud servers → Network → tab Private networks → check that there is no tag in the network card Global router.
Verify that the subnet meets the conditions:
- belong to the RFC 1918 private address range:
; - have a size of at least /29, as three addresses will be occupied by Servercore network equipment;
- Do not overlap with other subnets added to this router: The IP addresses of each subnet on the router must not overlap with the IP addresses of other subnets on the router;
- If Managed Kubernetes nodes will be included in the global router network, the subnet must not overlap with the ranges
. These subnets participate in the internal addressing of Managed Kubernetes, their use may cause conflicts in the global router network.
- belong to the RFC 1918 private address range:
В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
Go to the section Network → tab Private networks.
On the menu networks select Connect to a global router.
Select the global router.
For each of the network subnets, enter the IP address that will be assigned to the router, or leave the first available address from the subnet assigned by default. Do not assign this address to your devices to avoid disrupting the network. The last two free subnet addresses will be reserved as service addresses.
Click Connect. Do not close the window until you see the message that the network is connected. After that, in the control panel:
- the network will appear under Servercore Global Router on the page of the router you connected it to. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press Products → Global router → router page;
- the network will be tagged Global router. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press Products → Cloud servers → cloud server page → section Network → network card.
3. Connect a network and subnet to the router for file storage
If the cloud platform network is connected to a global router, you can only manage it on the global router page.
You need to create a global router network and subnet to that project and cloud platform pool where the file storage will be created in the future.
You can connect a new network to the router or an existing network if it is not already connected to any of the account's global routers.
Connect a new network
Connect existing network
В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Global router.
Open the router page → tab Networks.
Click Create a network.
Enter a network name, this will only be used in the control panel.
Select a service Cloud platform.
Select pool The file storage will be created in this folder.
Select project The file storage will be created in this folder.
Enter the subnet name — this will only be used in the control panel.
Enter the CIDR — IP address and subnet mask. The subnet must meet the conditions:
- belong to the RFC 1918 private address range:
; - have a size of at least /29, as three addresses will be occupied by Servercore network equipment;
- Do not overlap with other subnets added to this router: The IP addresses of each subnet on the router must not overlap with the IP addresses of other subnets on the router;
- If Managed Kubernetes nodes will be included in the global router network, the subnet must not overlap with the ranges
. These subnets participate in the internal addressing of Managed Kubernetes, their use may cause conflicts in the global router network.
- belong to the RFC 1918 private address range:
Enter the gateway IP or leave the first address from the subnet assigned by default. Do not assign this address to your devices to avoid disrupting the network.
Enter service IPs or leave the last addresses from the subnet assigned by default. Do not assign these addresses to your devices to avoid disrupting the network.
Click Create a network.
Optional: check the network topology on the global router. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Global router. Open the router page and click Network map.
Check that the network has not yet been added to any of the account's global routers. В control panels from the top menu, press Products → Cloud servers → Network → tab Private networks → check that there is no tag in the network card Global router.
Verify that the subnet meets the conditions:
- belongs to the private address range according to RFC 1918:
; - is at least /29, as three addresses will be occupied by Servercore network equipment;
- does not overlap with other subnets added to this router: the IP addresses of each subnet on the router must not overlap with the IP addresses of other subnets on the router;
- If Managed Kubernetes nodes will be included in the global router network, the subnet must not overlap with the ranges
. These subnets participate in the internal addressing of Managed Kubernetes, their use may cause conflicts in the global router network.
- belongs to the private address range according to RFC 1918:
В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
Go to the section Network → tab Private networks.
On the menu networks select Connect to a global router.
Select the global router.
For each of the subnets, enter the gateway IP or leave the first available address from the subnet assigned by default. Do not assign this address to your devices to avoid disrupting the network. The last two free addresses of the subnet will be reserved as service addresses.
Click Connect. Do not close the window until you see the message that the network is connected. After that, in the control panel:
- the network will appear under Servercore Global Router on the page of the router you connected it to. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press Products → Global router → router page;
- the network will be tagged Global router. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press Products → Cloud servers → cloud server page → section Network → network card.
4. Assign an IP address to a Managed Kubernetes cluster node
Configure a local port on the Managed Kubernetes cluster node that is included in the global router network. On the port, assign an IP address from the subnet you created on the global router for the corresponding pool.
Add a Managed Kubernetes cluster node to the created subnet of the global router. If you do not already have a Managed Kubernetes cluster, create one. When creating it, select the subnet of the global router as the subnet.
Apply changes depending on the parameter Apply the changes en bloc Configuring ports. The value of the parameter can be viewed in control panels in the top menu Products → Cloud servers → cloud server page → tab Ports:
- When the server reboots — programmatically reboot the node or manually make changes to the network configuration file on the node;
- Manually in the network configuration file on the server — manually make changes to the network configuration file on the node.
5. Write routes on the Managed Kubernetes cluster node
If you have created a new Managed Kubernetes cluster and added a node to an existing global router network, you do not need to specify routes. In this case, the node will be immediately available to other devices on the network.
If you are adding an existing node to the global router network, it must have static routes to all subnets with which you want connectivity. To do this file a ticket.
6. Create file storage
Control panel
В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select File storage.
Click Create storage.
Enter a new storage name or leave the name that is automatically created.
Select region and pool segment where the storage will be created.
If you need to increase disk space with file storage, select a pool segment from the pool that hosts the cloud server or Managed Kubernetes cluster.
If you plan to use storage to store backups, we recommend selecting a pool segment from a different availability zone or region to improve fault tolerance.
Fill in the blocks:
Check out the price of file storage.
Click Create.
Select the private subnet where the storage will be located. The type of subnet depends on what you want to connect the storage to:
- cloud private subnet — the storage will be available to Managed Kubernetes cloud servers and clusters only in the pool you selected in the previous step. To connect the storage you will only need to mount it;
- global router subnet — the storage will be available for dedicated servers, as well as cloud servers and Managed Kubernetes clusters that are located in other pools. To connect the storage, you need to configure network connectivity between the server or cluster and the storage through the global router. See examples of how to configure network connectivity in the instructions in the section Connect file storage.
Once the repository is created, the subnet cannot be changed.
Enter a private IP address for the vault or leave the first available address from the subnet assigned by default. Once the storage is created, the IP address cannot be changed.
Select file storage type:
- HDD Basic
- SSD Universal
- SSD Fast
Once created, the storage type cannot be changed.
Specify the storage size: from 50 GB to 50 TB. Once created, you can expand file storage but you can't reduce it.
Select a protocol:
- NFSv4 — for connecting storage to servers running Linux and other Unix systems;
- CIFS SMBv3 — for connecting the storage to Windows servers.
Once the repository is created, the protocol cannot be changed.
Access rules
Configure the file storage access rules:
- available to all — the storage will be available to any IP address of the private subnet in which it is created;
- access restricted — the storage will be available only to specific IP addresses or private subnets. If you create a file storage without rules, access will be restricted to all IP addresses.
If you have selected the option Access is restricted, press Add rule.
Enter the IP address or CIDR of the private subnet, select the access level.
After creating the storage you can change the access rules, for this purpose you can configure new access rules.
Configure the file storage access rules:
- available to all — the storage will be available to any IP address of the private subnet in which it is created;
- access restricted — the storage will be available only to specific IP addresses or private subnets. If you create a file storage without rules, access will be restricted to all IP addresses.
If you have selected the option Access is restricted, press Add rule.
Enter the IP address or CIDR of the private subnet.
After creating the storage you can change the access rules, for this purpose you can configure new access rules.
Use the instructions Create file storage in the Terraform documentation.
7. Mount file storage to a Managed Kubernetes cluster
The mount process depends on the file storage protocol: NFSv4 or CIFS SMBv3.
1. Create PersistentVolume
Create a yaml file with a manifest for the PersistentVolume object:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: pv_name
storageClassName: storageclass_name
storage: <storage_size>
- ReadWriteMany
path: /shares/share-<mountpoint_uuid>
server: <filestorage_ip_address>Specify:
— PersistentVolume size in GB (file storage size), e.g.100 Gi
. The limit is from 50 GB to 50 TB;<mountpoint_uuid>
— The ID of the mount point. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press Products → File storage → storage page → block Connection → tab GNU/Linux;<filestorage_ip_address>
— The IP address of the file storage. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press Products → File storage → storage page → tab Settings → field IP.
Apply the manifest:
kubectl apply -f <persistent_volume.yaml>
— the name of the yaml file with the manifest to create the PersistentVolume. -
Make sure that a PersistentVolume object is created:
kubectl get pv
2. Create a PersistentVolumeClaim
Create a yaml file with a manifest for the PersistentVolumeClaim object:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pvc_name
storageClassName: storageclass_name
- ReadWriteMany
storage: <storage_size>Specify
— PersistentVolume (file storage) size in GB, e.g.100 Gi
. The limit is from 50 GB to 50 TB. -
Apply the manifest:
kubectl apply -f <persistent_volume_claim.yaml>
— the name of the yaml file with the manifest to create the PersistentVolumeClaim. -
Ensure that a PersistentVolumeClaim object is created:
kubectl get pvc
3. Add storage to a container
Create a yaml file with a manifest for the Deployment object:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: filestorage_deployment_name
project: filestorage_deployment_name
replicas: 2
project: filestorage_project_name
project: filestorage_project_name
- name: volume_name
claimName: pvc_name
- name: container-nginx
image: nginx:stable-alpine
- containerPort: 80
name: "http-server"
- name: volume_name
mountPath: <mount_path>Specify
— path to the folder inside the container to which the file storage will be mounted. -
Apply the manifest:
kubectl apply -f <deployment.yaml>
— the name of the yaml file with the manifest to create the Deployment.
- Install the CSI driver for Samba.
- Create a secret to store the login and password.
- Create StorageClass.
- Create PersistentVolumeClaim.
- Add file storage to the container.
1. Install the CSI driver for Samba
Download the CSI driver from GitHub Kubernetes CSI.
Install the latest driver version:
helm repo add csi-driver-smb
helm install csi-driver-smb csi-driver-smb/csi-driver-smb --namespace kube-system --version v1.4.0 -
Check that the pods are installed and running:
kubectl --namespace=kube-system get pods --selector="app=csi-smb-controller"
2. Create a secret
The file storage does not support differentiation of access rights. Access via CIFS SMBv3 protocol is performed under the user name guest
Create a secret to store the login and password (by default guest/guest
kubectl create secret generic smbcreds --from-literal username=guest --from-literal password=guest
3. Create StorageClass
Create a yaml file with a manifest for the StorageClass object:
kind: StorageClass
name: storageclass_name
source: "//<filestorage_ip_address>/share-<mountpoint_uuid>" "smbcreds" "default" "smbcreds" "default"
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
- dir_mode=0777
- file_mode=0777Specify:
— The ID of the mount point. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press Products → File storage → storage page → block Connection → tab GNU/Linux;<filestorage_ip_address>
— The IP address of the file storage. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press Products → File storage → storage page → tab Settings → field IP.
Apply the manifest:
kubectl apply -f <storage_class.yaml>
— name of the yaml file with the manifest to create the StorageClass. -
Make sure that the StorageClass object is created:
kubectl get storageclass
4. Create a PersistentVolumeClaim
Create a yaml file with a manifest for the PersistentVolumeClaim object:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pvc_name
annotations: smb
accessModes: ["ReadWriteMany"]
storage: <storage_size>Specify
— PersistentVolume (file storage) size in GB, e.g.100 Gi
. The limit is from 50 GB to 50 TB. -
Apply the manifest:
kubectl apply -f <persistent_volume_claim.yaml>
— the name of the yaml file with the manifest to create the PersistentVolumeClaim. -
Ensure that the PersistentVolumeClaim object is created:
kubectl get pvc
5. Add storage to a container
Create a yaml file with a manifest for the Deployment object:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: filestorage_deployment_name
project: filestorage_deployment_name
replicas: 2
project: filestorage_project_name
project: filestorage_project_name
- name: volume_name
claimName: pvc_name
- name: container-nginx
image: nginx:stable-alpine
- containerPort: 80
name: "http-server"
- name: volume_name
mountPath: <mount_path>Specify
— path to the folder inside the container to which the file storage will be mounted. -
Apply the manifest:
kubectl apply -f <deployment.yaml>
— the name of the yaml file with the manifest to create the Deployment.