Monitoring of PostgreSQL cluster and databases for 1C
In PostgreSQL cloud databases for 1C, you can monitor the state of the cluster.
To assess the overall state of the cluster check his status..
For more detailed analysis, some metrics can be viewed as graphs in the dashboard:
The full set of available metrics can be export in Prometheus format.
You can find out if your disk is about to run out of space by using disk fill notifications. Upon receipt of the notice disk cleanup or scale the cluster and select a configuration with a larger disk size.
View cluster status
- In control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud databases.
- Open the tab Active.
- In the cluster row, look at the status.
View the status of the node cluster
- В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud databases.
- Open the tab Active.
- Open the cluster page → tab Monitoring.
- In the block Cluster monitoring click Nodes of the cluster.
- In the field Server select the node whose metrics you want to view.
- See what's available node cluster metrics.
Cluster node metrics in the control panel
View the status of the databases
- В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud databases.
- Open the tab Active.
- Open the cluster page → tab Monitoring.
- In the block Cluster monitoring click Databases.
- In the field Server select the node whose database metrics you want to view.
- See what's available database metrics.
Database metrics in the dashboard
View the status of the connection pooler
- В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud databases.
- Open the tab Active.
- Open the cluster page → tab Monitoring.
- In the block Cluster monitoring click Connection Pooler.
- In the field Server select the node whose metrics you want to view.
- See what's available node cluster metrics.
Connection pooler metrics in the control panel
Export metrics in Prometheus format
Historical information for clusters is not available — metrics are requested only in real time. The list of all metrics that are supported in cloud databases and their description can be seen in the following table Metrics in Prometheus format.
1. Get a token
The token gives access to the metrics of all clusters projects in one bullet.
В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud databases.
Open the tab Active.
Open the cluster page → tab Monitoring.
In the block Tokens for Prometheus click Add token. The token will be generated automatically.
Copy the token. To do this in the token row, click .
2. Get metrics in Prometheus format
Configuration file
Add to the Prometheus configuration file:
- job_name: get-metrics-from-dbaas
scrape_interval: 1m
- targets:
- '<pool>'
scheme: https
type: Bearer
credentials: <monitoring_token>Specify:
Open a page in your browser where Prometheus-formatted metrics will be available:
— IP address where Prometheus is installed. -
Independently configure monitoring and alerts for database clusters.
Open the CLI.
To get the metrics, submit a request:
curl -L "https://<pool>" -H "Authorization: Bearer <monitoring_token>"
— pool in which the token is valid,
— a monitoring token that you received Previously.
Available metrics in Prometheus format will appear in the response.
Independently configure monitoring and alerts for database clusters.
Metrics in Prometheus format
Metrics in Prometheus format are provided for all clusters. A specific cluster can be found by the database cluster identifier in the label ds_id
Infrastructure level metrics
Application level metrics
Disk fullness notifications
If the cluster disk is 80% full, a notification will appear in the dashboard and will be sent to the email of the Account Owner and those users subscribed to the the "Services and services" notification category.
If the cluster disk is 95% full or more, the cluster will go into status DISK_FULL
and will be read-only. To make the cluster read-write, disk cleanup or scale the cluster and select a configuration with a larger disk size.
Clear the disk
Open a transaction transaction_read_only = no
and delete unnecessary data using one of the queries:
— deletes the structure (data, privileges, indexes, constraints, triggers). Use when completely deleting a table with data and structure:BEGIN;
SET transaction_read_only = no;
DROP TABLE table_name;
— deletes the contents of the table, but the structure is preserved. Works fasterDROP TABLE
. Use when deleting all rows of a table while preserving the table structure:BEGIN;
SET transaction_read_only = no;
TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;
— use to delete specific strings.
We do not recommend using the query DELETE FROM table WHERE ...
to clean up the disk. This query can create oversized samples on large tables and place them on disk. The remaining free disk space may run out completely, causing problems with PostgreSQL and the need to restore its operation manually.