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Create a Redis cluster

Create a Redis cluster

  1. In control panel from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud databases.

  2. Click Create a cluster.

  3. Enter the name of the cluster.

  4. Select region.

  5. Select pool. Once created, the pool will not be able to be modified.

  6. Select RDBMS — Redis.

  7. Select Redis version. Once created, the version will not be able to be changed.

  8. Select configuration range and configuration.

  9. Optional: to configure cluster fault tolerance, in block Fault tolerance specify the number of nodes in the cluster. The first node is the master node, the rest are replicas. The following applies to a multi-node cluster SLA — we guarantee 99.95% write availability and 99.99% read availability.

  10. Select crowding-out policy.

  11. Enter the user's password or press Generate. The password must contain:

    • 32 to 64 characters;
    • Latin letters of different cases;
    • figures;
    • special characters.
  12. Copy and save the user password — you will need it to cluster connections. The password cannot be viewed in the control panel, but you can modify.

  13. Select or create a subnet:

    • private subnet — a subnet without access from the Internet. You can connect a static public IP address;
    • or public subnet — all addresses on a public subnet are accessible from the Internet.

    Addresses are assigned to each node in the cluster. Make sure that the number of addresses in the subnet is not less than the number of nodes in the cluster. If you plan to increase the number of replicas after the cluster is created, select a subnet that has a supply of free addresses. Once the cluster is created, the subnet cannot be changed.

    You can address list from which access to the database cluster will be allowed.

  14. Optional: In a private subnet, you can connect a public IP address to a cluster node:

    • If you have selected an existing private subnet, check the box. Public access to cluster nodesand then check the checkbox of the node to which you want to grant public access. The private subnet must correspond to demands;
    • if you create a new private subnet — connect a public IP address after the cluster is created.
  15. Check the price of the cluster.

  16. Click Create a cluster. The cluster will be ready for operation when it moves to status ACTIVE.