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Install Ingress and Ingress Controller

Install Ingress and Ingress Controller

In Managed Kubernetes, the Ingress Controller is not pre-installed in the cluster. To create an object Ingress install any Ingress Controller.

Ingress — A mechanism that provides application-level (L7) routing of incoming traffic is provided through the Ingress Controller. Ingress Controller is a proxy server deployed in the Managed Kubernetes cluster. The choice of controller depends on the requirements of the applications deployed in the Managed Kubernetes cluster. See list of existing Ingress Controllers.

Install Ingress Controller

For your information

Before creating an Ingress Controller, make sure that the pool has a dedicated quota per public IP address.

We will look at a basic Nginx installation — you can install a different Ingress Controller by official instruction.

Together with the Ingress Controller, a Service of type LoadBalancer will be automatically created (load balancer) with a public IP address. By default, a load balancer of the following type is created Basic with reservation But you can choose the type of load balancer and configure for it other parameters. The load balancer will be the entry point for accessing applications in the cluster, so there is no need to additionally create an internal load balancer.

  1. Connect to the cluster.

  2. Install the Helm package manager.

  3. Add the ingress-nginx repository to Helm:

    helm repo add ingress-nginx
  4. Install the Ingress Controller:

    helm install ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --generate-name
  5. Check that the Ingress Controller is installed:

    kubectl get pods

    Command output:

    NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    ingress-nginx-1652172027-controller-6d765d1688-vr7ab 1/1 Running 0 51s
  6. A new load balancer will be created. It's going to appear in control panels: from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers → section Balancers → tab Balancers.

Create Ingress

Manifesto example:

kind: Ingress
name: minimal-ingress
annotations: /
- http:
- path: /testpath
pathType: Prefix
name: test
number: 80