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General information about cloud platform networks

General information about cloud platform networks

The cloud platform networks are powered by OpenStack Neutron. Read more in the section Neutron OpenStack documentation.

You can work with the cloud platform's networks in the control panels with the help of OpenStack CLI or Terraform.

Tasks to be solved

In a cloud platform using network objects, you can:

  • customize the connectivity between devices in the same pool and combine them into a private subnets by means of ports devices: cloud servers, load balancers, file storage, Managed Kubernetes clusters and cloud database clusters;
  • route traffic between private subnets and configure Internet access for devices on a private subnet using cloud routers;
  • static public IP addresses to devices on private subnets to configure access to them from the Internet;
  • connect devices to public subnets to and from the Internet. You can connect to public subnets using ports cloud servers, load balancers and cloud database clusters;
  • To organize network connectivity between devices in different pools (including different projects and accounts) or between different services, private subnets can be used to global router;
  • customize static routes for subnets.

Additionally, you can distribute incoming network traffic between cloud servers using load balancers. You can use the following to filter traffic cloud firewalls and security teams.


Cloud platform network objects have outbound and inbound bandwidth restrictions.

Outgoing trafficIncoming traffic
Cloud servers in private subnets, traffic within the private network3 Gbps — in all pools except ru-1

1 Gbit/s — in pool ru-1
Not limited (depends on cloud server configuration and network conditions)
Cloud servers in private subnets, Internet traffic (public IP addresses)3 Gbps — in all pools except ru-1

1 Gbit/s — in pool ru-1
5 Gbps
Cloud servers on public subnets3 Gbps — in all pools except ru-1

1 Gbit/s — in pool ru-1
Not limited (depends on cloud server configuration and network conditions)
Internet traffic via cloud routers5 Gbps5 Gbps

The list of regions, availability zones and pools can be viewed in the table below Servercore Infrastructure.

Bandwidth for devices on private networks can be increased to 10 Gbps — file a ticket.

The speed on a port can drop dramatically, for example, to 0.1 Gbps, if the associated IP address is blocked by Servercore security. To increase the speed, file a ticket.

Blocked ports

In Servercore, the default some TCP/UDP ports are blocked traffic through them is blocked.


Public IP addresses and public subnets are charged at cloud platform payment models.

The cost can be viewed at

The rest of the network resources are free of charge.