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Remove the container

Remove the container

Containers containing no more than 500,000 objects (including object segments), can be deleted via the control panel. Containers with a large number of objects can only be deleted via the API.

It may take up to 24 hours to remove the container. During the removal process, the container must not be handled except for the following deletion stops.

If versioning is enabled in a container, the versioned container will not be automatically deleted — it must be manually deleted.

Objects in the container are deleted one by one. While a container is being deleted, outgoing traffic and storage capacity of objects that have not yet been deleted are charged. DELETE requests are not charged. For more information about charging and consumption, see the instructions Object storage fee and pricing model.

Remove the container

Before deleting, complete all API requests with objects in the container.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Object Storage.
  2. Go to the section Containers.
  3. In the container row, click .
  4. Enter a name for the container and click Delete. The status will be displayed in the container line Deleting. A pop-up notification will appear when the deletion is complete.

Possible errors

If an error occurs, a pop-up notification will appear:

  • Ошибка при удалении контейнера — an internal error, file a ticket;
  • Достигнут лимит по числу задач — the deletion task limit has been exceeded (no more than 10 containers can be deleted at a time). Wait for other tasks to complete and containerize.

Stop deletion

If the deletion of a container has not yet been completed, you can stop it. When you stop deletion, only objects that have not yet been deleted remain in the container.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Object Storage.
  2. Go to the section Containers.
  3. Click the link notifying you of the number of containers to be deleted.
  4. In the container row, click .