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Example of configuring scheduled backup

Example of configuring scheduled backup

Purpose of customization

Create a script that will regularly run the console client, archive and move important data to object storage.

What you need to customize

Customization result

The script will create a backup of the file or directory using tar and upload the backup to the object store using s3cmd.

Customization steps

  1. Create a script.
  2. Transfer files to object storage.
  3. Customize flow control.
  4. Check the script.
  5. Optional: automate backups via crontab or Cyberduck.

1. Create a script

  1. Open the home directory on your server:

    cd ~
  2. Using the nano editor, create an empty file (e.g. with the name bkupscript):

  3. Start writing a backup script in a text editor with shebang:


    Shebang is an interpreter directive that allows scripts or data files to be run as commands and looks like a sequence of two characters: # и !. Thanks to shebang at the beginning of the script, the shell runs the file's commands in bash.

  4. Under shebang at the top of the text file, add variables to the script:


    DATETIME=`date +%y%m%d-%H_%M_%S`


    • DATETIME — a timestamp to attach to the name of the received file. Each file backed up in space will have a unique name. This timestamp is created by calling the command date and formatting the output to display the last two digits of the year (% y), two digits of the month (% m), two digits of the day (% d), hour (% H), minutes (% M) and seconds (% S);
    • SRC — the source path for the file or folder to which the backup is being made. $1 indicates that the value is taken from the first parameter passed to the script;
    • DST — file destination. In the example, this is the name of the space to which the backup is loaded. This name will be obtained from the second parameter passed to the script, as specified in the $2;
    • GIVENNAME — user-selected name for the destination file. The resulting file name will start with GIVENNAMEand it will be added DATETIME. This name comes from the third parameter passed to the script $3.
  5. Add a function showhelp to the backup script to display messages in case the script fails:


    DATETIME=`date +%y%m%d-%H_%M_%S`

    echo "\n This script will backup files/folders into a single compressed file and will store it in the current folder."
  6. Gather the files you need and combine them into a single package that can be downloaded:


    DATETIME=`date +%y%m%d-%H_%M_%S`

    echo "\n This script will backup files/folders into a single compressed file and will store it in the current folder."


    echo "\n##### Gathering files #####\n"
    tar -czvf $GIVENNAME-$DATETIME.tar.gz $SRC

    When an instruction is called ifthe script executes the command tar and waits for the result. If the command is successful, the lines after the statement will be executed then:

    • output a message that the process tar has been successfully completed;
    • error code return 0so that the part of the code calling this function knows that everything is working fine.

    Part else the script will be executed only if the command tar will detect an error in execution:

    • output a message stating that the command tar has not been fulfilled;
    • returning error code 1, indicating that something has gone wrong.
  7. Finish the script if/then/else phrase fi. Type of completed function tarandzip:

    echo "\n##### Gathering files #####\n"
    if tar -czvf $GIVENNAME-$DATETIME.tar.gz $SRC; then
    echo "\n##### Done gathering files #####\n"
    return 0
    echo "\n##### Failed to gather files #####\n"
    return 1

2. Transfer files to object storage

  1. Add a file transfer function to the backup script movetoSpace into the selected space. The previously declared variables are used to create a command that will place backup files in the selected space:

    /bin/s3cmd put $GIVENNAME-$DATETIME.tar.gz s3://$DST


    • /bin/s3cmd — calls s3cmd, a command-line tool used to manage object store segments;
    • put — is used by s3cmd to load data into the container;
    • $GIVENNAME-$DATETIME.tar.gz — the name of the backup that will be loaded into the space. It consists of the fourth and first declared variables, followed by the .tar.gz, and is created by the function tarandzip;
    • s3://$DST; — the location where the file will be uploaded;
    • s3:// — a scheme of URI type used to describe the storage locations of objects in the network, and $DST; — is the third variable that was declared earlier.
  2. Add a notification that the file transfer process has started:

    echo\n##### MOVING TO SPACE #####\n”
    /bin/s3cmd put $GIVENNAME-$DATETIME.tar.gz s3://$DST
  3. Customize the output of the message about the result of command execution:

    if /bin/s3cmd put $GIVENNAME-$DATETIME.tar.gz s3://$DST; then
    echo "\n##### Done moving files to s3://"$DST" #####\n"
    return 0
    echo "\n##### Failed to move files to the Space #####\n"
    return 1

3. configure flow control

If the script is configured correctly, when it starts, it should read the input command, assign values from it to each variable, execute the function tarandzipand then execute movetoSpace.

If the script fails at any step, it should print the output of the function showhelpto help troubleshoot the problem.

Add a conditional instruction to the end of the file if / then / else:

if [ ! -z "$GIVENNAME" ]; then
if tarandzip; then

4. Check the script

  1. Check the script:


    DATETIME=`date +%y%m%d-%H_%M_%S`

    echo "\n This script will backup files/folders into a single compressed file and will store it in the current folder."

    echo "\n##### Gathering files #####\n"
    if tar -czvf $GIVENNAME-$DATETIME.tar.gz $SRC; then
    echo "\n##### Done gathering files #####\n"
    return 0
    echo "\n##### Failed to gather files #####\n"
    return 1
    echo "\n##### MOVING TO SPACE #####\n"
    if /bin/s3cmd put $GIVENNAME-$DATETIME.tar.gz s3://$DST; then
    echo "\n##### Done moving files to s3://"$DST" #####\n"
    return 0
    echo "\n##### Failed to move files to the Spac #####\n"
    return 1

    if [ ! -z "$GIVENNAME" ]; then
    if tarandzip; then
  2. Before exiting nano, close the file (Ctrl+X) and save your changes (Y+Enter).

5. Optional: automate backups

  1. Configure a cron job that will use a script to perform regular backups to a selected space. For the purposes of this example, the backup will be performed every minute.

  2. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x
  3. Edit the crontab file so that the script runs every minute:

    crontab -e
  4. The first time you run the command crontab -e you will be prompted to select an editor from the list:

    no crontab for root - using an empty one
    Select an editor. To change later, run "select-editor".
    1. /bin/ed
    2. /bin/nano <---- easiest
    3. /usr/bin/vim.basic
    4. /usr/bin/vim.tiny
    Choose 1-4 [2]:
  5. Choose the default nano or another text editor.

  6. In crontab, add a line at the end of the script:

    * * * * * ~/ ~/backupthis nameofyourspace cronupload
  7. Close the file (Ctrl+X) and save your changes (Y+Enter).

  8. If you leave the cron job running unchanged, a new file will be copied to the selected space every minute. If cron runs successfully, reconfigure crontab to back up files at the desired interval.

Cyberduck options

At Backup automation via Cyberduck you can use additional options:

  • compare — perform differential backups:

    duck --upload  servercore:/<container_name>/<prefix> <path> --existing compare --username <servercore_account>:<username> --password <password>

    The uploaded backup will be compared to the existing backup by size, modification date, and checksum. If the parameters are different, the old version will be deleted and the new version will be uploaded to the repository;

  • skip — only new files (those that appeared in the folder on the local machine after the previous upload) will be uploaded to the storage. Existing files will not be uploaded, even if they have been changed on the local machine;

  • overwrite — deletes an existing backup from the storage and loads a new backup.