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Object Storage: Quick Start

Object Storage: Quick Start

You can work with object storage in control panels и via API.

  1. Create a container.
  2. Optional: customize the container.
  3. Load the objects into the container.
  4. Optional: refer to the container.

1. Create a container

  1. Top up.

  2. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Object Storage.

  3. Go to the section Containers.

  4. Click Create a container.

  5. Enter a name for the container. For compatibility with the S3 API, the container name must be unique within the object store and conform to the Amazon S3 buckets naming rules, see the instructions for details Bucket naming rules Amazon documentation.

  6. Select region and pool in which the container will be created.

  7. Select the type of container:

    • private — for storing backups and other data with access by login and password or authorization token;
    • public — for sharing the content of a website or web application, available without authorization.
  8. Select a storage class:

    • standard storage — for storing and distributing frequently requested data;
    • cold storage — for storing rarely requested data.

    The storage class only affects resource cost The classes are technically and speed-wise the same. Once the container is created, the storage class cannot be changed.

  9. If you need a container with Virtual-Hosted addressing to work with S3 API, in the block Addressing type select vHosted. You can enable Virtual-Hosted addressing only once.

  10. Click Create a container.

2. optional: customize the container

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Object Storage.
  2. Go to the section Containers.
  3. Open the container page.
  4. Optional: customize access policy to the container.
  5. Optional: set limits on the number of objects, the total size of objects, and specify the time of object storage.

3. Load objects

To load objects into the container, use the following instructions Load object.

4. optional: address the container

Get objects in a public container can be linked via public domains. Private containers can be managed via API endpoints.