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For cloud server provisioning you can use images with applications and pre-installed operating system.

For each image with the application, preparation of the working environment, configuration of the necessary parameters and build is performed.

Available applications and minimum requirements

Minimum resource requirements
vCPURAMBoot diskAdditional disk
Cloud Gitlab 16.7.4 64-bit, 16.11.3 64-bit48 GB.20 GB.30 GB.
Cloud Gitlab Runner 16.5.0 64-bit, 17.0.0 64-bit22 GB.8 GB.You don't have to use
Cloud Jitsi Meet stable-9364 64-bit48 GB.10 GB.You don't have to use
Cloud Keycloak 24.0.5 64-bit24 GB.30 GB.You don't have to use
Cloud Wazuh 4.7.3 64-bit48 GB.16 GBYou don't have to use
ISPmanager Lite 6.100.1 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64-bit12 GB.20 GB.You don't have to use
Nextcloud 2748 GB.16 GB50 GB.
Containers Ready 27.0.3 64-bit22 GB.20 GB.You don't have to use
Mattermost24 GB.20 GB.You don't have to use
Pritunl11 GB10 GB.You don't have to use
Zabbix28 GB.20 GB.You don't have to use

To see an up-to-date list of applications, go to control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsCloud servers → click Create a server → block Source → click on the default source → tab Appendices.


When using cloud servers with applications, only the following are paid for cloud platform resources by cloud platform payment models.

Before creating a server top up.

Resource prices can be viewed at