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Configure HTTP → HTTPS redirect

Configure HTTP → HTTPS redirect

  1. Make sure that created a load balancer с HTTPS rule which will accept requests to the HTTPS version of the site. Available balancers can be viewed in control panel: from the top menu, press ProductsCloud serversBalancers → tab Balancers.

  2. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.

  3. Go to the section Balancers → tab Balancers.

  4. Open the balancer page.

  5. Click Create a rule.

  6. Select protocol The default port 80 will be automatically selected. The standard port 80 will be automatically selected, on which the balancer will listen to traffic.

  7. Select target group By default, traffic that is not subject to the HTTP Policies in the rule. If there are no available target groups in the list, tap New target group и create a task force with the HTTP traffic destination protocol and port 80. If you want to discard traffic that does not fall under the HTTP policy, select Without a target group.

  8. Mark it HTTP request headers that need to be transmitted to the servers.

  9. To create in the rule HTTP policy, press Add a new policy.

  10. Select a test condition: HOSTNAME — EQUAL TO.

  11. Enter the name of the domain, for example,

  12. Select an action Redirect to URL prefix.

  13. Enter the URL prefix — the part that will replace the protocol and domain name in the incoming request, for example,

  14. Optional: change the policy name or leave the default one generated.

  15. Click Add.

  16. Optional: open the unit Advanced rule settings and specify connection settings:

    • for incoming requests to the balancer — specify the connection timeout and maximum connections;
    • for requests from the balancer to servers — specify the connection timeout, inactivity timeout and TCP packet waiting timeout.
  17. Click Create.