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View the status of the load balancer

View the status of the load balancer

Two statuses are displayed for the balancer:

View the status of load balancer operation

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.

  2. Go to the section Balancers → tab Balancers.

  3. In the load balancer card, look at the status.

ONLINEThe balancer is working, all target groups accept traffic according to the specified rules
OFFLINEThe balancer is not processing requests and is turned off
DEGRADEDThe balancer's target groups have unavailable servers, but all groups continue to accept traffic
ERROROne of the target groups has stopped receiving requests, or there is an error in the balancer. If all servers are working correctly and are in the status of ONLINE, file a ticket
NO_MONITORAvailability checks are not enabled in the balancer's target groups. If all balancer servers are in this status, the balancer status ≠ ONLINE

View the status of the instance configuration

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.

  2. Go to the section Balancers → tab Balancers.

  3. In the load balancer card, in the field Instance configuration status check the status.

ACTIVEThe latest settings were successfully applied on the balancer
CREATINGA balancer or an object in it (a rule, an HTTP policy, a target group or a server in it) is created
UPDATINGYour latest settings are applied on the balancer
ERRORAn error occurred while applying the settings, traffic balancing is performed according to the old settings. Try to change the settings again if the error persists — file a ticket
DELETINGThe balancer is being removed