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Manage servers in the target group

Manage servers in the target group

Add the server to the target group

  1. In control panel from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
  2. Go to the section Balancers → tab Target groups.
  3. Open the landing page.
  4. In the block Servers click Add server.
  5. Select a server.
  6. Select an IP address.
  7. A group port value will be automatically selected for the server — change it if necessary.
  8. Specify the server weight — this is a proportional measure, denotes the fraction of requests that the server handles. If the weights are the same, the servers serve the same number of requests. If, for example, there is one server in a group with weight "2" and two servers with weight "1", then the first server will receive 50% of all requests and the other two will each receive 25%. The maximum weight value is 256.
  9. If you want to make the server redundant so that it accepts requests only when the other servers in the group are unavailable, check the checkbox Reserve.
  10. Click .

Make a server in a group redundant

A cloud server in the target group can be made redundant — it will be included in the group, but will stop accepting requests as long as at least one server in the group is available. If all servers in the group are unavailable, the standby server will come online.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
  2. Go to the section Balancers → tab Target groups.
  3. Open the landing page.
  4. In the block Servers in the server line, turn on the toggle switch in the column Reserve.

Suspend a server in a group

The server can be suspended when work is performed on the server, for example, when an application is updated or rebooted — the server will temporarily not process requests for this target group. The server itself will continue to work.

There is no need to remove the server from the target group — it will continue processing traffic as soon as you reactivate it.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
  2. Go to the section Balancers → tab Target groups.
  3. Open the landing page.
  4. In the block Servers on the menu of the server select Do not accept requests.

Resume server operation in the group

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
  2. Go to the section Balancers → tab Target groups.
  3. Open the landing page.
  4. In the block Servers on the menu of the server select Accept requests.

Remove the server from the target group

If you remove a server from the target group, it will stop accepting requests. The server itself will not be deleted.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
  2. Go to the section Balancers → tab Target groups.
  3. Open the landing page.
  4. In the block Servers on the menu of the server select Remove the server from the group.