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View the status of the target group and servers

View the status of the target group and servers

View the status of the target group

The operation status shows how the traffic balancing is going.

  1. In control panel from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
  2. Go to the section Balancers → tab Target groups.
  3. In the task force card, look at the status.
ONLINEAll availability checks are successful, servers are accepting requests
DEGRADEDSome servers in the group do not accept requests from the balancer
ERRORAll servers in the group do not pass the availability check and do not receive traffic from the balancer, while the servers themselves may be in an active state
OFFLINEAll servers in the group are suspended and are not accepting requests from the balancer

View server status

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
  2. Go to the section Balancers → tab Target groups.
  3. Open the landing page.
  4. In the server row, in the column Status check the status.
ONLINEThe server successfully responds to availability checks
CREATINGThe server is added to the target group
UPDATINGServer settings are updated
OFFLINEThe server is not accepting requests, while the server itself may be in an active state
BACKUPThe server is set to standby status and will be activated if the other servers in the target group become inoperable
NO_MONITORService operation is not verified by availability checks. If all balancer servers are in this status, the balancer status ≠ ONLINE
DRAININGThe server does not accept new connections, but continues to process current connections
ERRORThe service on the specified port does not respond or fails the response type check
DELETINGThe server is removed from the balancer's target group. This does not affect the performance of the server