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Connect to a cloud server

Connect to a cloud server

You can connect to the cloud server:

In order to connect to a cloud server via SSH or RDP, it must be accessible from the Internet:

View parameters for connection

The settings for connecting to the cloud server can be viewed at control panels:

  • user name (login) and password — in the top menu press Products and select Cloud servers → server page → tab Console → fields Login и Password;
  • public IP address — from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers → server page → tab Ports → column Public IP.

If you forget your server password, you can reset and restore it.

Connect via SSH

The SSH protocol is used to connect to Linux cloud servers.

To connect to the server, you can enter a login and password or use the a couple of SSH keys. We recommend using SSH keys instead of login and password — you can only connect using keys from the computer where the private key is stored.

You can store public SSH keys in the cloud platform, to do so [add public SSH keys to user profile].(/cloud/servers/manage/create-and-place-ssh-key.mdx#add-public-ssh-key-to-profile).

  1. Optional: create an SSH key pair и place a public SSH key on a cloud server: when you create a server or on an existing server.

  2. Open the CLI.

  3. Connect to the server:

    ssh <username>@<ip_address>


    • <username> — user name (login). You can look in control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers → server page → tab Console → field Login;
    • <ip_address> — the public IP address of the server. You can look in control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers → server page → tab Ports → column Public IP.
  4. Enter the password. You can look in control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers → server page → tab Console → field Password.

    If you are using an SSH key pair, you do not need to enter a password.

Error when reconnecting

If you use SSH keys to connect, the SSH key is saved to a file when you first authorize on the server ~/.ssh/known_hosts. An error may occur when reconnecting REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED.

To correct a mistake:

  • delete the host information by IP address:

    ssh-keygen -f "/home/root/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "<ip_address>"
  • or connect to the server using the command:

    ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@<ip_address>

Connect via RDP

The RDP protocol is used to connect to Windows cloud servers.

  1. Open the menu StartConnecting to a remote desktop.
  2. In the field Computer enter the public IP address of the server. You can look in control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers → server page → tab Ports → column Public IP.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Enter a username. You can look in control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers → server page → tab Console → field Login.
  5. Enter the password. You can look in control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers → server page → tab Console → field Password.
  6. Click OK.

Connect via the console in the control panel

You can connect via the console in the control panel to a cloud server with any operating system.

The console is a browser-based VNC client, we recommend using it only in cases when it is impossible to connect to the server via SSH or RDP. Copying text from the console is not available, you can paste text with the following command Ctrl+V.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
  2. Open the server page → tab Console.
  3. On the server line, click .
  4. Enter the user name (login). You can look in the field Login.
  5. Enter the password. You can look in the field Password.