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User data

User data

User data — user configuration parameters of the server operating system. They are described as scripts in cloud-config format (text files with YAML syntax) or as a bash script. The scripts are automatically encoded in Base64, transferred to the server and executed with the help of the agent cloud-init when the operating system is first started. Using user data helps automate server configuration.

Specify user data you can when you create a cloud server.

Read more about cloud-config and bash script formats in the instructions User data formats cloud-init documentation.

In scripts, you can pass parameters to configure the operating system and scripts. For example:

Check out the other examples in the manual Cloud config examples cloud-init documentation.

Specify user data

User data can only be specified when cloud server creation:

  • in the control panel — at step 14 you can insert text into the field User data, download the file in formats txt, gz, sh or MIME archive. The maximum size of a script with non-Base64 encoded data is 16 KB;
  • through OpenStack CLI and Terraform — only scripts with Base64 encoded data.

Once the server is created, you cannot change the script.

Examples of user data

Create a directory and upload files to it

An example script to create a directory and upload a file to it over the network:

- mkdir /run/newdir
- [ wget, "", -O, /run/newdir/index.html ]

Update repositories and install packages

Sample script to install pwgen and pastebinit:

package_update: true
- pwgen
- pastebinit

Place SSH keys on the server

Sample script:

- ssh-rsa AAAAB3N…V7NZ user1@host
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3N…NtHw== user2@server

Customize the configuration file

Sample script for the resolv.conf domain name resolver:

manage_resolv_conf: true
nameservers: ['', '']
rotate: true
timeout: 1