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Accommodation groups

Accommodation groups

A cloud server can be added to a colocation group. Servers in the group can be located on different physical hosts — this increases the resiliency of the infrastructure.

A placement group is created for a specific pool. And the cloud servers in the group may be in different segments within the pool.

You can work with accommodation groups in control panels with OpenStack CLI or Terraform.

Accommodation Policy

At group creation you can select a group policy — it determines how servers will be located on the physical hardware:

  • preferably on different hosts (soft-anti-affinity) — the system will try to place servers on different hosts. If there is no suitable host when creating a server, it will be created on the same host;
  • must be on different hosts (anti-affinity) — servers in the group must be on different hosts. If we cannot find a suitable host, the server will not be created.


A group can only be created for one pool.

In one. project a maximum of 100 placement groups can be created.

A maximum of 15 cloud servers can be in the same group at the same time.

You can only add a cloud server to a placement group by cloud server creation.


Creating a placement group is free of charge.

Only the cloud servers included in the group and others are paid for cloud platform resources — by cloud platform payment models.