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Create a placement group

Create a placement group

A placement group can be created:

  • at cloud server creation — the created server will be automatically added to the group;
  • or separately — the cloud server can be added to this group only when the server is created.
  1. In control panel go to Cloud platformServers.

  2. Open the tab Accommodation groups.

  3. Click Create a group.

  4. Enter the name of the group.

  5. Select an accommodation policy:

    • preferably on different hosts (soft-anti-affinity) — the system will try to place servers on different hosts. If there is no suitable host when creating a server, it will be created on the same host;
    • must be on different hosts (anti-affinity) — servers in the group must be on different hosts. If we cannot find a suitable host, the server will not be created.
  6. Click Create a group.