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Change and recover cloud server password

Change and recover cloud server password

You can view the password for the root user in control panel: from the top menu, press ProductsCloud servers → server page → tab Console → field Password.

If you have forgotten or lost your password, you can change in the control panel.

If authorization with a new password doesn't work or you have trouble changing it, reset your password through the Rescue recovery and diagnostic mode.

Change password

  1. In control panel from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
  2. Open the server page → tab Console.
  3. Click Generate a new.

Error when changing the password

If an error occurs during password generation Unable to set password on instance, perform a programmatic reboot of the cloud server.

The error may occur due to a small server disk capacity. The disk memory is occupied by the logs, so the required operations for changing the password are unavailable. After restarting the server, some of the logs are deleted and disk space is available.

Restore password

  1. Boot the server into Rescue recovery and diagnostic mode.

  2. Connect to a cloud server in Rescue mode through the console in the control panel or SSH.

  3. Change the root directory of the OS:

  4. Change the password for the root user:

    passwd root
  5. Enter the new password twice. The password will not be displayed on the command line.

  6. Wait for a response that the password has been changed:

    passwd: password updated successfully
  7. Exit Rescue mode. The server will automatically reboot.

Error when changing the catalog

If an error occurs when changing the root directory No root-device specifiedmount the disk partitions.

  1. Boot the server into Rescue recovery and diagnostic mode.

  2. Connect to the cloud server in Rescue mode through the console in the control panel or SSH.

  3. Look at the disk file system and copy the partition IDs:

    fdisk -l
  4. Mount all disk partitions:

    infiltrate-root <block_uuid_1>
    infiltrate-root <block_uuid_2>

    Specify <block_uuid_1> and <block_uuid_1> — IDs of the disk partitions you copied in step 2.

  5. Exit Rescue mode. The server will automatically reboot.