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Create a disk

Create a disk

Network disk can be created together with the cloud server or can be created separately and then connected to the server.

Local disk is only created in conjunction with the cloud server.

You can create a network disk from a variety of sources:

  • empty — this disk initially contains no data. You can use it to scale the disk space on the cloud server;
  • from an image — prepared by Servercore or your own downloaded image. You can use it to replace the boot disk when restoring a server or to clone a server;
  • from another disk, snapshot or backup — create a copy of the disk.

The cost of a network disk depends on disk type and pool segment in which it is created.

  1. In control panel from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
  2. Go to the section Disks*.
  3. Click Create a disk.
  4. Enter a new disk name or leave the name that is automatically created.
  5. Select the location of the disk — pool and pool segment. This should be the cloud server pool segment to which you will later connect the disk. The pool segment affects the cost and limits of the disk.
  6. Select the source of the disk (finished image, own image, disk, snapshot or backup) and press Select. If you want to create a blank disk, skip this step.
  7. Select disk type. The disks differ in read/write speeds and throughput values.
  8. Specify the size of the disk in GB. The size of the disk created from the source must be equal to or larger than the size of the source. We recommend that you do not exceed disk limitations to the maximum size. Once created, the disk cannot be shrunk directly.
  9. If you selected the Universal v2 disk type, specify the total number of read and write operations in IOPS. After creating a disk, you can change the number of IOPS — decrease or increase. There is no limit to the number of IOPS changes.
  10. Customize the creation of scheduled backups for the disk. Select a previously created plan or create a new one.
  11. Click Create a disk.