Change disk parameters
Change disk type
You can only change the type of network drive — to another network or to a local network.
On the other network
To the local
It is not possible to change the network disk type to another one directly — you need to create a new disk with the desired type. type.
In the pool segment of the current disk:
- disk image;
- or disconnect the current disk from the cloud server and create a new disk from it.
Optional: mount the created disk to the server and deactivate the previous.
Optional: If you have connected the disk as a bootable (system) disk, then reboot the server.
It is not possible to change the network disk type to local disk directly — create a new cloud server with a local disk.
In the pool segment of the current disk:
- disk image;
- or disconnect the current disk from the cloud server and create a new disk from it.
Create a new cloud server with a local disk and select the created image or disk as the source.
Shrink the disk
It is not possible to shrink a local disk.
You cannot reduce the size of a network disk directly, as this may compromise the integrity of the disk's file system and data — you can create a new, smaller disk.
- In the current disk pool segment create a blank disk of a smaller volume.
- Connect the created disk to the cloud server.
- Boot the server into Rescue mode.
- Transfer data from the old disk to the new one — copy the files manually or use a utility program
. - Optional: unplug the old disk from the server and erase the disk.
Enlarge the disk
You cannot enlarge the local disk directly — you can reconfigure of the cloud server to which it is connected. The local disk will expand automatically.
You can enlarge the network disk by following the instructions below. After enlarging, you must prepare the disk for operation.
Another way to increase disk space on a cloud server is to additional disk connection.
Before performing work with partitions and file system, we recommend creating a disk image, snapshot or other disk from the disk to avoid data loss in case of an error.
Control panel
OpenStack CLI
В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
Go to the section Disks*.
On the menu of the disk, select Resize.
Specify a new value for the disk size in GB, take into account maximum disk size limits. Press Save.
Prepare the disk for use:
- if you enlarged the boot disk, reboot the cloud server or expand the disk using the instructions below;
- if you have enlarged an additional disk, expand the disk using the instructions below.
Change the size of the disk:
openstack volume set --size <size> <volume>
— disk size in GB, consider maximum disk size limits;<volume>
— ID or disk name. The list can be viewed withopenstack volume list
Prepare the disk for use:
- if you enlarged the boot disk, reboot the cloud server or expand the disk using the instructions below;
- if you have enlarged an additional disk, expand the disk using the instructions below.
Prepare the disk for operation after enlarging
If you have enlarged the disk, you should definitely enlarge it — the order of configuration depends on the operating system.
Open a list of all disks connected to the server:
Example answer:
sda 8:0 0 8G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 8G 0 part /
└─sda14 8:14 0 8M 0 part
sdb 8:16 0 7G 0 disk -
Expand the disk (using
) and run the file system change (viaresize2fs
):growpart /dev/<sdb> 1
resize2fs /dev/<sdb1>Specify
— disk that needs to be expanded.
- Connect to the server.
- Open the built-in utility Disk Management.
- Right-click on the disk and select Extend Volume.
Change the number of IOPS
The number of IOPS can only be changed for SSD Universal v2 network drives in the statuses AVAILABLE
. There is no limit to the number of IOPS changes.
- В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Cloud servers.
- Go to the section Disks*.
- Open the disk page → tab Settings.
- In the field IOPS click Modify.
- Specify the new number of IOPS.
- Click Confirm changes.