Working in the control panel
Working with your Servercore Control Panel account: registration, restoring access, security and other instructions
Payment for Servercore services: payment models, balance types and funds types, balance handling
Affiliate Program
Servercore Affiliate Program: amount of reward, how to join the program and spend the reward
Users and Roles (IAM)
How to differentiate user access to account and resources using user types and roles, how to add a user, change their details or role and delete them
Projects: how projects work, how to create a project and work with a project
Regions, availability zones and pools
What Servercore infrastructure consists of and how to improve resilience
Availability matrices
Servercore product availability matrices
Blocked ports
Information about blocked TCP and UDP ports, including for mailings
General information about DNS, list of Servercore recursive DNS servers
General information about NTP, list of Servercore NTP servers