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Apart from reporting documents, for the account is generated on a monthly basis:

  • service report — A document that reflects the amount of funds spent on services during a calendar month. Grouped by project;
  • write-off report — A document that reflects the history of debits from the balance sheet for a calendar month.

Report on services rendered

The report on services rendered reflects the amount of funds spent on services for a calendar month. The report is grouped by projects.

The report on services rendered is not a reporting document, but may be useful for statistics and other reporting.

Reports on services provided are available beginning June 2024.

A report on services rendered can be look in the control panel or CSV download.

The report is in CSV format and contains:

  • account number;
  • Account Owner's name;
  • project name and ID;
  • product and the name of the service for which payment was made;
  • optional: name and ID of the object for which the payment was made — for example, a server or disk;
  • optional: the name and ID of the parent object for which the payment was made — a dedicated or cloud server that has links to another object, such as a disk;
  • optional: name and ID of the resource that was paid for — object metric, e.g. vCPU or RAM;
  • service period;
  • quantity, specified in units of measure of the service or its resource;
  • the balance from which the payment was made;
  • full cost of the service.

The report is generated and appears in the dashboard on a monthly basis.

View a report on services rendered

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Billing.
  2. Go to the section Reports → tab Report on services rendered.
  3. Select the year for the month in which you want to view or download the report.
  4. Optional: select a project.
  5. In the block of the required month view the report. The report within the month is broken down by project. In the group Shared resources you can view a report on products and services that do not support projects.

Download a report on services rendered

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Billing.
  2. Go to the section Reports → tab Report on services rendered.
  3. Select the year for the month in which you want to view or download the report.
  4. Optional: select a project.
  5. In the row of the desired month, click Download CSV.

Write-off report

The write-off report shows the history of write-offs for a calendar month. The debit report is not a reporting document, but can be useful for maintaining payment statistics and other reporting.

The data in the write-off report does not match the data in the UPD. The write-off report records the amount of write-offs and the DDS records the value of services actually rendered for the calendar month.

An expense report can be e-mail or PDF download.

The report contains:

  • name of service;
  • the date the funds were debited for it;
  • the balance from which the payment was made;
  • the full cost of the service.

The report is generated and appears in the dashboard on a monthly basis.

Receive an expense report by email

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Billing.
  2. Go to the section Reports → tab Write-off report.
  3. Select the year for the month in which you want to receive or download the report.
  4. In the row of the desired month, click Send it to the post office.

Download an expense report

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Billing.
  2. Go to the section Reports → tab Write-off report.
  3. Select the year for the month in which you want to receive or download the report.
  4. In the row of the desired month, click Download PDF.