Delete a resource record
Delete a resource record
You can delete the resource record or delete the resource record group.
Delete a resource record
If the record is the only one in the group and cannot be deleted, you must delete the resource record group.
- В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select DNS hosting.
- Open the zone page.
- On the menu. of resource record groups, select Edit. If a web resource icon is displayed instead of the menu — which means that the record group is being used web resource and it can't be changed or deleted.
- On the value line, click .
- Click Save. When the TTL of the resource record group expires, the remote resource record will stop being retrieved from the caching servers. You can view the TTL of a resource record group in control panels under DNS → Domain zones → zone page.
Delete a group of resource records
- В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select DNS hosting.
- Open the zone page.
- On the menu of resource record groups, select Delete. If a web resource icon is displayed instead of the menu — which means that the record group is being used web resource and it can't be changed or deleted.
- Click Delete. When the TTL of the remote resource record group expires, the group records will stop being given from the caching servers.