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Delete a resource record

Delete a resource record

You can delete the resource record or delete the resource record group.

Delete a resource record

If the record is the only one in the group and cannot be deleted, you must delete the resource record group.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select DNS hosting.
  2. Open the zone page.
  3. On the menu. of resource record groups, select Edit. If a web resource icon is displayed instead of the menu  — which means that the record group is being used web resource and it can't be changed or deleted.
  4. On the value line, click .
  5. Click Save. When the TTL of the resource record group expires, the remote resource record will stop being retrieved from the caching servers. You can view the TTL of a resource record group in control panels under DNSDomain zones → zone page.

Delete a group of resource records

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select DNS hosting.
  2. Open the zone page.
  3. On the menu of resource record groups, select Delete. If a web resource icon is displayed instead of the menu  — which means that the record group is being used web resource and it can't be changed or deleted.
  4. Click Delete. When the TTL of the remote resource record group expires, the group records will stop being given from the caching servers.