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Connect a network drive to the server

Connect a network drive to the server

  1. Create a SAN.
  2. Connect the network drive to the server in the control panel.
  3. Connect the network disk to the server in the server OS.
  4. Check the MPIO settings.

1. Create a SAN network

  1. In control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. Go to the section Network disks and storage → tab Network disks.
  3. Open the disk page → tab Connecting to the server.
  4. Click on the link Create a SAN.
  5. Click Add SAN.
  6. Select the location of the disk — accessibility zone.
  7. Enter a subnet or leave the subnet that is generated by default. The subnet must belong to a private address range, or and should not already be in use in your infrastructure.
  8. Click Create a SAN.

2. Connect the network drive to the server in the control panel

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. Go to the section Network disks and storage → tab Network disks.
  3. Open the disk page → tab Connecting to the server.
  4. In the field Server click Select.
  5. Select the server to which the network drive will be connected. You can only connect the network drive to a dedicated server in the bullet MSK-1 and with a 2 × 10 GE NIC + 10 Gbps Network Disk SAN connection.
  6. Click Connect.

3. Connect the network disk to the server in the server OS

  1. Connect to the server via SSH or through KVM console.

  2. Open the utility configuration file netplan with the vi text editor:

    vi /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
  3. Add IP addresses to the network interfaces connected to the SAN switch, set the MTU size, and prescribe routes to access iSCSI targets:

    - <ip_address_1>
    mtu: 9000
    - to: <destination_subnet_1>
    via: <next_hop_1>
    - <ip_address_2>
    mtu: 9000
    - to: <destination_subnet_2>
    via: <next_hop_2>


    • <eth_name_1> — name of the first network interface. The first network interface is configured on the first port of the network card;
    • <eth_name_2> — name of the second network interface. The second network interface is configured on the second port of the network card;
    • <ip_address_1> — The IP address of the first port on the network card. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → partition iSCSI initiator parameters → field IP address of the first port #1 of the network card;
    • <ip_address_2> — The IP address of the second port on the network card. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → partition iSCSI initiator parameters → field IP address of port No. 2 of the network card;
    • <destination_subnet_1> — destination subnet for the first port on the network card. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → partition Static routes for connecting to iSCSI targets → column Destination subnetwork;
    • <destination_subnet_2> — destination subnet for the second port on the network card. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → partition Static routes for connecting to iSCSI targets → column Destination subnetwork;
    • <next_hop_1> — gateway for the first port on the network card. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → partition Static routes for connecting to iSCSI targets → column Next hop (gateway);
    • <next_hop_2> — gateway for the second port on the network card. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → partition Static routes for connecting to iSCSI targets → column Next hop (gateway).
  4. Exit the vi text editor with your changes saved:

  5. Apply the configuration:

    netplan apply
  6. Print the information about the network interfaces and verify that they are configured correctly:

    ip a
  7. Optional: reboot the server.

  8. Check the speed of each network interface. It must be at least 10 GBit/sec:

    ethtool <eth_name_1> | grep -i speed
    ethtool <eth_name_2> | grep -i speed

    Specify <eth_name_1> и <eth_name_2> — names of the network interfaces configured in step 3.

  9. If the speed is below 10 Gbps, file a ticket. If the speed is greater than or equal to 10 Gbps, go to step 10.

  10. Verify that the iSCSI target is available:

    ping -c5 <iscsi_target_ip_address_1>
    ping -c5 <iscsi_target_ip_address_2>
    ethtool <eth_name_2> | grep -i speed


    • <iscsi_target_ip_address_1> — The IP address of the first iSCSI target. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → tab Connecting to the server → section Disk parameters for iSCSI connection → field IP address of iSCSI target 1;
    • <iscsi_target_ip_address_2> — The IP address of the second iSCSI target. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → tab Connecting to the server → section Disk parameters for iSCSI connection → field IP address of the iSCSI target 2.
  11. Set the name of the iSCSI initiator:

    vi /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
    InitiatorName= <initiator_name>

    Specify <initiator_name> — name of the iSCSI initiator. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → partition iSCSI initiator parameters → field Initiator's name;

  12. Restart iSCSI:

    systemctl restart iscsid.service
    systemctl restart multipathd.service
  13. Create iSCSI interfaces:

    iscsiadm -m iface -I <iscsi_eth_name_1> --op new
    iscsiadm -m iface -I <iscsi_eth_name_2> --op new


    • <iscsi_eth_name_1> — name of the first iSCSI interface;
    • <iscsi_eth_name_2> — name of the second iSCSI interface.
  14. Bind the iSCSI interfaces to the network interfaces configured in step 3:

    iscsiadm -m iface --interface <iscsi_eth_name_1> --op update -n iface.net_ifacename -v <eth_name_1>
    iscsiadm -m iface --interface <iscsi_eth_name_2> --op update -n iface.net_ifacename -v <eth_name_2>


    • <iscsi_eth_name_1> — the name of the first iSCSI interface you created in step 12;
    • <iscsi_eth_name_2> — name of the second iSCSI interface that you created in step 12;
    • <eth_name_1> — the name of the first network interface you configured in step 3;
    • <eth_name_2> — the name of the second network interface you configured in step 3.
  15. Check the availability of the iSCSI target through the iSCSI interfaces:

    iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p <iscsi_target_ip_address_1> --interface <iscsi_eth_name_1>
    iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p <iscsi_target_ip_address_2> --interface <iscsi_eth_name_2>


    • <iscsi_target_ip_address_1> — IP address of the first iSCSI target;
    • <iscsi_target_ip_address_2> — IP address of the second iSCSI target;
    • <iscsi_eth_name_1> — the name of the first iSCSI interface you created in step 13;
    • <iscsi_eth_name_2> — name of the second iSCSI interface that you created in step 13.

    A list of iSCSI tags will appear in the response. For example:,1,2


    • — IP address of the first iSCSI target;
    • — IQN of the first iSCSI target. The IQN (iSCSI Qualified Name) is the full unique identifier of the iSCSI device;
    • — IP address of the second iSCSI target;
    • — IQN of the second iSCSI target.
  16. Configure CHAP authentication on the iSCSI-Initiator:

    iscsiadm --mode node -T <IQN> -p <iscsi_target_ip_address_1> --op update -n node.session.auth.authmethod --value CHAP

    iscsiadm --mode node -T <IQN> -p <iscsi_target_ip_address_2> --op update -n node.session.auth.authmethod --value CHAP

    iscsiadm --mode node -T <IQN> --op update -n node.session.auth.username --value <username>

    iscsiadm --mode node -T <IQN> -p <iscsi_target_ip_address_1> --op update -n node.session.auth.password --value <password>

    iscsiadm --mode node -T <IQN> -p <iscsi_target_ip_address_2> --op update -n node.session.auth.password --value <password>


    • <iscsi_target_ip_address_1> — IP address of the first iSCSI target;
    • <iscsi_target_ip_address_2> — IP address of the second iSCSI target;
    • <IQN> — IQNs of the first and second iSCSI target. You can look at the control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → tab Connecting to the server → section Disk parameters for iSCSI connection → field Target Name;
    • <username> — user name to authorize the iSCSI initiator. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → tab Connecting to the server → section CHAP authentication → field Username;
    • <password> — password to authorize the iSCSI initiator. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork disks and storage → tab Network disks → disk page → tab Connecting to the server → section CHAP authentication → field Password.
  17. Authorize on the iSCSI target through iSCSI interfaces:

    iscsiadm --mode node -T <IQN> -p <iscsi_target_ip_address_1> --login --interface <iscsi_eth_name_1>
    iscsiadm --mode node -T <IQN> -p <iscsi_target_ip_address_2> --login --interface <iscsi_eth_name_2>


    • <IQN> — IQNs of the first and second iSCSI target;
    • <iscsi_target_ip_address_1> — IP address of the first iSCSI target;
    • <iscsi_target_ip_address_2> — IP address of the second iSCSI target;
    • <iscsi_eth_name_1> — name of the first iSCSI interface;
    • <iscsi_eth_name_2> — name of the second iSCSI interface.
  18. Verify that the iSCSI session for each iSCSI target has started:

    iscsiadm -m session

    Two active iSCSI sessions will appear in the response. For example:

    tcp: [1],1 (non-flash)
    tcp: [3],2 (non-flash)

    Here. [1] и [3] — iSCSI session numbers.

  19. To have the disks mount automatically on reboot, set the node.startup iSCSI-sessions setting to automatic:

    iscsiadm --mode node -T  <IQN> -p <iscsi_target_ip_address_1> --op update -n node.startup -v automatic
    iscsiadm --mode node -T <IQN> -p <iscsi_target_ip_address_2> --op update -n node.startup -v automatic
    systemctl enable iscsid.service
    systemctl restart iscsid.service


    • <IQN> — IQNs of the first and second iSCSI target;
    • <iscsi_target_ip_address_1> — IP address of the first iSCSI target;
    • <iscsi_target_ip_address_2> — IP address of the second iSCSI target.
  20. Optional: reboot the server.

4. Check MPIO settings

MPIO — Multipath I/O to improve the fault tolerance of data transfer to the network disk.

MPIO is configured by default. Check if the settings are correct.

  1. Open the utility configuration file Device Mapper Multipath with the vi text editor:

    vi /etc/multipath.conf
  2. Make sure that the file /etc/multipath.conf contains only the following lines:

    defaults {
    user_friendly_names yes
  3. Open the file bindings with the vi text editor:

    vi /etc/multipath/bindings
  4. Make sure that the WWID information of the block device is in the file. For example:

    # Multipath bindings, Version : 1.0
    # NOTE: this file is automatically maintained by the multipath program.
    # You should not need to edit this file in normal circumstances.
    # Format:
    # alias wwid
    mpatha 3600140530fab7e779fa41038a0a08f8e
  5. Open the file wwids with the vi text editor:

    vi /etc/multipath/wwids
  6. Make sure that the WWID information of the block device is in the file. For example:

    vi /etc/multipath/wwids
  7. Check the network disk connection and make sure that the policy parameter is set to service-time 0:

    multipath -ll

    The command output will display information about devices, paths, and current policy. For example:

    mpatha (3600140530fab7e779fa41038a0a08f8e) dm-0 LIO-ORG,TCMU device
    size=20G features='0' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
    |-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=10 status=active
    | `- 8:0:0:0 sdc 8:32 active ready running
    `-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=10 status=enabled
    `- 9:0:0:0 sdd 8:48 active ready running