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Modify the rack for a dedicated server

Modify the rack for a dedicated server

Any server ordered will be located in a rack in the server room.

Ready configuration servers, including Chipcore, are installed in racks in advance. Servers of arbitrary configuration are installed in free rack spaces after ordering. When ordering multiple servers, our algorithm analyzes technical capabilities at the time of ordering and tries to place servers in different racks for fault tolerance.

Each rack has three points of failure: Internet port, local port, and power. In extremely rare cases, the availability of the rack can be disrupted. If downtime of the service even for a few minutes is critical, it is recommended to arrange servers in such a way that servers of the same project are located in different racks. This will minimize the risk of service unavailability in case of a rack failure.

You can view the current location of servers and submit a request to move a server to another rack in the control panels: from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated serversServers → tab Server locations.

Move the server to another rack

Moving servers between racks is done within the same pool.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. Go to the section Servers → tab Server locations.
  3. Select the rack from which you want to move the server and click Request server migration.
  4. Select the server(s) to migrate.
  5. In the field Commentary provide additional information. Describe the task in detail (which rack to move the server to; server location preferences; racks that cannot be moved to, etc.), so that we can offer suitable solutions faster.
  6. Click Request rescheduling.
  7. Wait for a response to the request. The ticket will notify you that it is technically possible to move the server and request a time to move the server. When the server is moved to another rack, the ticket will notify you.