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IP addresses of the dedicated server

IP addresses of the dedicated server

Dedicated servers by default connect to the Servercore network infrastructure.

After ordering, each server is allocated public shared IPv4 address. You can view the public IP address and other network settings in the control panel: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversServers → server page → tab Network. At automatic OS installation the network interface on the server is configured automatically. When installing an operating system from an image manually configure the network interface. If you need public dedicated IP address — connect additional IP addresses.

Private IP address can be formed from standard ranges. He's always is manually written on the server.

Public shared IP addresses

Public shared IP addresses are on a common subnet and have a fixed prefix /24 (mask Servers of other clients are also on the shared subnet, and servers in the same account may be on different shared subnets. For security purposes, IP address spoofing protection is used in the shared subnet.

A public shared IP address won't allow it:

  • connect DDoS protection;
  • configure static or dynamic routing;
  • unblock blocked ports;
  • configure BGP and BGP + anycast subnet connection;
  • use a public dedicated IP address at the same time;
  • reassign the address to another server (including using VRRP/CARP/Keepalived/Corosync, etc. for server redundancy).

To change the IP address on the server, connect additional IP addresses.

Public dedicated IP addresses

Public dedicated IP addresses are in a dedicated subnet and have any prefix (mask). No more than one dedicated VLAN in one pool is allocated per account.

The IP addresses of a dedicated subnet can be used on account servers that are in the same pool.

To obtain a public dedicated IP address, connect additional IP addresses.

Private IP addresses

Private IP addresses are formed from standard ranges.

Servers at such addresses are not directly accessible from the Internet.

If traffic is exchanged within one private subnet, traffic within it is not counted.

Standard ranges of private IP addresses

  • — (subnet mask: or /8);
  • — (subnet mask or /10) — This subnet is recommended according to RFC 6598 for use as addresses for CGN (Carrier-Grade NAT);
  • — (subnet mask: or /12);
  • — (subnet mask: or /16).

Connect additional IP addresses

Once a dedicated subnet is ordered, you cannot use the public shared IPv4 address that was allocated automatically when the server was ordered.

  1. Order a dedicated subnet.
  2. Add the IP address to the accounting system.
  3. Change the network settings on the server.
  4. Switch the VLAN on the server port.

Order a dedicated subnet

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. Go to the section Network.
  3. Click Order a subnet.
  4. Select the desired service.
  5. Specify a pool. You cannot move a subnet to another pool.
  6. Specify the purpose of the use.
  7. Select a payment period.
  8. Click Pay. When the service is ready to go live, a notification will come in the ticket.

Add an IP address to the accounting system

In the accounting system, you can record which IP address is configured on your server. In this case, the network settings on the server will not change, they must be changed manually.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. In the section Servers open the server page → tab Network.
  3. Press the button Add IP address.
  4. Specify the subnet.
  5. Select one or more IP addresses.
  6. Save the changes you have made.

Change network settings on the server

When connecting an additional IP address in the server OS change network settings:

  • IP address;
  • subnet mask;
  • gateway.

The parameter values can be viewed in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversNetwork → tab Subnetwork → card of the allocated subnet.

Apply network settings. Availability on the server will be lost unless the VLAN on the port is changed.

Switch the VLAN on the server port

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. In the section Servers open the server page → tab Ports.
  3. Change the field Internet significance General to the value of the allocated VLAN.
  4. Save the changes you have made. Access to the server will be restored with the new IPv4.

Return to a shared public IP address

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. In the section Servers open the server page → tab Ports.
  3. Change the field Internet the value of the allocated VLAN to the value General.
  4. Save the changes you have made.