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Network limits per port of a dedicated server

Network limits per port of a dedicated server

When you order a dedicated server, limits are automatically applied to the network hardware. These limits work for both local ports and Internet ports. For servers with MC-LAG limits work for the entire aggregate interface (bond).

Limits on the number of MAC addresses

By default, any dedicated server is assigned a limit of 25 MAC addresses per switch port.

If the MAC address limit on a server is exceeded, there may be a partial lack of connectivity between that server and the Internet or other machines on the local network.

This limit can be increased to 100 MAC addresses upon customer request in the ticket.

A limit above 100 MAC addresses may be set if technically feasible, for clarification file a ticket.

Broadcast traffic limits

For a dedicated server, there are limits on broadcast traffic (broadcast, unknown-unicast, and multicast) of 10 MB/sec per port for each individual traffic type.

All traffic exceeding the specified limit is discarded by the network equipment.

The most common cases where the limit is exceeded are:

  • If the network communication between machines involves a large amount of multicast traffic. In particular, network protocols such as OSPF, RIPv2, VRRP, and clustering solutions such as Corosync often use multicast;
  • if the traffic between servers is strictly unidirectional. In this case, the network equipment may classify the traffic as unknown-unicast.