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Dedicated server traffic consumption model

Dedicated server traffic consumption model

Traffic consumption model — a scheme for accounting for all dedicated server traffic (incoming, outgoing) that passes through an Internet port.

  • ∞ TB/month of 1 Gbps bandwidth;
  • 300 TB/month. — channel bandwidth is determined by the physical connection (characteristics of the used network card, port transmission speed).

By default, at the physical layer, dedicated servers are connected to the Internet switches by copper crossover. This connection provides a speed of up to 1 Gbps. Organization of optical connection is discussed individually, for this purpose file a ticket.

For servers in the regions of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk, if the limits defined by the traffic consumption model are exceeded, the speed and traffic are not limited, but additionally charged. This allows avoiding interruptions in the operation of the software hosted on the server.

If the set limits are exceeded, you will receive a notice with a proposal:

The cost of additional services can be viewed in control panels.

For more information on exceeding check out the network stats or generate a report on traffic consumption.

Change consumption patterns

For your information

You can change the consumption model once per calendar month and only for servers in the regions of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. In the section Servers open the server page → tab Network.
  3. In the block Traffic consumption model expand the menu .
  4. Click Change consumption patterns.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the changes being made.
  6. Click Change consumption patterns.

Increase consumption limit

For your information

You can increase the consumption limit only for servers in the regions of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

To increase the consumption limit, you can activate an additional service Increase of traffic/bandwidth consumption limit (step 3 TB/10 Mbit). The bandwidth consumption limit (in 10 Mbps increments) or traffic consumption limit (in 3 TB increments) will increase. When the consumption model is changed, the additional limits are converted to the new model with a corresponding step — every 10 Mbit of speed into 3 TB of traffic and vice versa.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. In the section Servers open the server page → tab Services.
  3. Go to the block Available services.
  4. Select a service Increase of traffic/bandwidth consumption limit (step 3 TB/10 Mbit).
  5. Click Connect the service.
  6. Specify Payment period.
  7. Click Pay for the service.
  8. The service will be bound to the server's tariff plan and will be displayed on the server page → tab Services en bloc Connected services.

Pay for a one-time overlimit

For your information

You can pay for one-time limit exceeding only for servers in the regions of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

One-off service is not tied to the server's tariff plan and is used for rare traffic/bandwidth overruns.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. In the section Servers open the server page → tab Services.
  3. Go to the block Available services.
  4. Select a service One-time payment for exceeding the traffic/bandwidth consumption limit (step 3 TB/10 Mbit).
  5. Click Pay.

View network statistics

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.

  2. In the section Servers open the server page → tab Network.

  3. Go to the block Network statistics.

  4. Click Show network statistics.

  5. Select a period:

    • day;
    • week;
    • month.
  6. On the graph Internet port displays information about the traffic passing through the Internet port for the selected period.

Generate a report on traffic consumption

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.

  2. In the section Servers open the server page → tab Network.

  3. In the block Traffic consumption model on the menu select the desired report:

    • History of traffic consumption — generates a report for the past six months with month-by-month detailing;
    • Download upload by day to CSV — generates a report for the specified period with day-by-day detailing.