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Change the configuration of the dedicated server

Change the configuration of the dedicated server

Configuration changes after ordering are only possible for servers of arbitrary configuration. For the server ready-made configuration (except for Chipcore Line servers) you can upgrade components — disks, memory, GPU.

Manually reinstall the OS or automatic installation at any time.

Change the configuration of an arbitrary server configuration

When changing the configuration, pay attention to features of component replacement и payment peculiarities in case of replacement of components.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. In the section Servers open the arbitrary configuration server page → tab Configuration.
  3. Click Change configuration.
  4. Make the changes.
  5. Once the new components are selected, a block will appear with the updated configuration cost.
  6. Click Change configuration.
  7. Click Pay.
  8. After payment, a ticket with a request to change the server configuration will be generated. Wait for a response from a Servercore employee. He/she will clarify the details and request confirmation for the replacement of components.

Peculiarities of component replacement

  • processor cannot be replaced. Order a new server if you need to replace a processor or number of processors;
  • installation of additional disks is performed without stopping and rebuilding the server if there are free garbage cans;
  • installation of additional RAM (RAM) or PCI-e (if their number fits into the current platform) is performed with server shutdown, but does not require rebuilding;
  • replacement of the enclosure and increasing the number of disks to more than the enclosure can accommodate, is performed with the rebuild of the server and payment of the installation fee;
  • if U.2 disks cannot be ordered, check that the server has an HBA for U.2 disks and an enclosure with suitable garbage cans. Some motherboards support direct NVMe connectivity without an HBA.

Specifics of payment in case of configuration change

When changing the configuration for a server, the following payment scheme is used:

  • during change ordering, the system calculates the difference between the cost of the current and new configuration for the paid period according to the tariff plan;
  • If the cost of the new configuration is more than the cost of the current configuration, the system will freeze funds on the client's balance in the amount of this difference and the cost of the installation fee;
  • after the server is available for operation, the system calculates how much resources were actually spent and deducts the corresponding amount from the frozen funds, the remaining funds are unfrozen and returned to the balance.

Server upgrade of ready-made configuration

For your information

Functionality is in beta testing mode. Not available for servers in regions Novosibirsk, Tashkent, Almaty, Nairobi.

Down time on upgrade is from 30 to 90 minutes. The server will be displayed in control panels with a status of "No nutritional information."

We recommend copying the data before replacing the disk. Servercore does not perform a data transfer when replacing, the data on the disk is deleted and cannot be recovered.

Server upgrade can be canceled. In this case, the server will return to the previous configuration. A second upgrade in this case will be available after two months.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. In the section Servers open the ready configuration server page → tab Configuration.
  3. Click Make an upgrade.
  4. Describe which accessories need to be replaced or added. All available components will be displayed on the right side of the screen. Replacements can only be made with components with higher characteristics.
  5. Click Send request.
  6. A ticket will be automatically created with a request to upgrade the server configuration.
  7. If the upgrade is agreed upon, a Servercore staff member will confirm the details, quote the cost and request confirmation to begin work on the replacement components.

Specifics of payment for configuration upgrade

When upgrading the configuration, the cost of new components is added to the current cost of the server. The cost of components that have been replaced is deducted.