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Order a dedicated server of ready configuration

Order a dedicated server of ready configuration

  1. Select the server configuration.
  2. Order a server.

1. Select a server configuration

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.

  2. Select project.

  3. If there are created servers in the project, in section Servers click Order a server. If there are no servers in the project, the order page will open automatically.

  4. Optional: Customize the filter settings to find a server with the correct configuration. If no suitable servers are available, change the filter settings or order a dedicated server of any configuration.

  5. Select the server of the desired configuration — click on the server card, you will be taken to the order placement.

2. place an order

  1. On the tab Order placement check the configuration of the dedicated server.

  2. Check it out region и pool If necessary, change the region and pool. If necessary, change the region and pool. You cannot change the region and pool after placing an order.

  3. Customize the operating system:

    3.1 Select the distribution version for automatic OS installation or select No OS-boot — server will be delivered without OS. To purchase Russian Astra Linux and RED OS licenses file a ticket. Once the server is handed over, you can install the OS manually or auto-installation anytime.

    3.2 Optional: customize the operating system configuration. If you have chosen a Linux-based operating system, you can partition disks.

  4. Optional: to securely connect to the server using the encrypted SSH protocol, select a previously downloaded and hosted SSH key or add a new one. More details in the instructions Create and upload an SSH key on a dedicated server.

  5. Optional: if you have a Linux-based OS and have not added HBAs and RAID controllers to your server configuration, the field will be available User data. To automate server configuration, specify server configuration parameters in cloud-config or bash script format. For more information, see Examples of user data.

  6. Select traffic consumption pattern.

  7. Select tariff plan.

  8. Specify the required number of servers. If the required number is not available, click Learn about enrollment и file a ticket.

  9. Optional: on the tab Additional services check the list additional services. You can order additional services after the server is handed over.

  10. Confirm that you agree to the payment terms.

  11. Click Pay Now.

  12. Read the order information and press Pay. When the server is ready for delivery, you will receive an email notification and will be able to access it hook up. From the moment the server is handed over, it begins paid period. The server password will be available to view for 24 hours from the date the server is handed over. If you forget your password, you can reset and restore it. After the order can only be made component upgrade — disks, memory, GPUs.