OpenStack provider documentation
OpenStack provider authentication
OpenStack provider authentication for managing Servercore products, services and services
Block Storage / Cinder
Description of resources and data sources for Block Storage / Cinder component
Compute / Nova
Description of resources and data sources for Compute / Nova component
FWaaS / Neutron
Description of resources and data sources for FWaaS / Neutron component
Identity / Keystone
Description of resources and data sources for Identity / Keystone component
Images / Glance
Description of resources and data sources for Images / Glance component
Load Balancing as a Service / Octavia
Resource description for Load Balancing as a Service / Octavia component
Networking / Neutron
Description of resources and data sources for Networking / Neutron component
Object Storage / Swift
Resource description for Object Storage / Swift component
Shared Filesystem / Manila
Description of resources and data sources for Shared Filesystem / Manila component