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Configure node group autoscaling

Configure node group autoscaling

For your information

Automatic cluster scaling is not available in node groups with GPUs without drivers.

In a Managed Kubernetes cluster on a cloud server, you can configure automatic scaling of node groups using the Cluster Autoscaler. It helps to optimally utilize cluster resources — depending on the load on the cluster, the number of nodes in the group will automatically decrease or increase.

Enable node group autoscaling can be done in the control panel, via Managed Kubernetes API or Terraform — you do not need to install Cluster Autoscaler in the cluster.

Managed Kubernetes uses Managed Kubernetes to autoscale pods. Metrics Server.

Principle of operation

The minimum and maximum number of nodes in a group can be set when autoscaling is enabled — Cluster Autoscaler will only change the number of nodes within these limits.

Cluster Autoscaler checks for pods (Pod) in the status PENDING (pending) every 10 seconds and analyzes the load — requests for resources (vCPU and RAM) from pods. Depending on the results, nodes are added or removed.

Adding a node

If there's a sub in the status PENDING and there are not enough free resources in the cluster to accommodate the pod, a node is added to the cluster.

If after creating one node there are still pods in the status PENDINGthen more nodes are added, one per test cycle.

Deleting a node

If there are no pods in the status PENDING, Cluster Autoscaler checks the number of resources that pods request.

If the total number of resources requested by pods on a node is less than 50% of its resources, Cluster Autoscaler marks the node as unnecessary. If the number of resource requests on a node does not increase after 10 minutes, Cluster Autoscaler will check if pods can be moved to other nodes.

Cluster Autoscaler will not migrate pods (and therefore will not delete a node) with certain conditions:

  • the pods that use PodDisruptionBudget;
  • Kube-system pods without PodDisrptionBudget;
  • sub-sets that are created without a controller (Deployment, ReplicaSet, StatefulSet and others);
  • Pods that use local storage;
  • if the other nodes don't have resources for pod requests;
  • if there is a mismatch of nodeSelector, affinity/anti-affinity rules, and so on.

You can allow such submissions to carry over — add an annotation to do so: "true"

If there are no restrictions, the pods will be moved and the low-loaded node will be removed. Nodes are removed one at a time per test cycle.


For optimal performance of Cluster Autoscaler, we recommend:

  • to make sure that the project has quotas on vCPU, RAM, and disk capacity to create the maximum number of nodes in a group;
  • to specify in the manifestos for the Pods resource requests;
  • check that nodes in the group have the same configuration and labels;
  • set for floors for which stops are not allowed, PodDisruptionBudget. This will help avoid downtime when transferring between nodes;
  • do not use any other Cluster Autoscaler;
  • do not manually modify node resources through the control panel. Cluster Autoscaler will ignore these changes and all new nodes will be created with the original configuration.

Enable autoscaling

When you create a node group in a cluster, you can enable autoscaling for it. Autoscaling occurs only when the cluster is in the status of ACTIVE.

For your information

If you set the minimum number of nodes in a group to be greater than the current number, it will not scale to the lower limit immediately. The node group will be scaled only after the pods appear in the status PENDING. It is the same with the upper limit of nodes in the group — if the current number of nodes is greater than the upper limit, deletion will start only after checking the pods.

  1. In control panels go to Cloud platformKubernetes.
  2. Open the cluster page → tab Cluster composition.
  3. On the menu. node groups, select Autoscaling control.
  4. Check the box Enable autoscaling. Set the minimum and maximum number of nodes in the group — the value of nodes will only change within this range.
  5. Click Save.