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User data

User data

User data in a Managed Kubernetes cluster — user parameters to configure and personalize the cluster. Passed as a script in cloud-config format (text files with YAML syntax) or as a bash script. The scripts are automatically Base64 encoded and then sent to the cloud server hosting the Managed Kubernetes cluster. On the server, scripts are executed using the cloud-init agent. Using user data helps to speed up and automate the process of configuring a Managed Kubernetes cluster.

Specify user data is available when creating a cluster or adding a new node group.

For more information about cloud-config and bash script formats, see the User data formats instructions in the cloud-init documentation.

In scripts, you can pass parameters for configuring worker nodes and installing additional software on nodes outside the Managed Kubernetes cluster. For example:

Specify user data

You can specify user data when creating a cluster on a cloud server or adding a new node group:

  • in the control panel — script with data that is not Base64 encoded in the User Data field. The maximum size of the script is 47 KB;
  • via Terraform — only script with data encoded in Base64 to the user_data argument. The maximum script size is 65,535 bytes.

Once user data has been added, the script cannot be changed.

Examples of user data

Disable IPv6


- echo 'options ipv6 disable=1' >> /etc/modprobe.d/ipv6.conf
- sysctl -a
- DisableIPv6Conf="/etc/sysctl.d/99-ipv6-disable.conf"
- cat /dev/null > $DisableIPv6Conf
- echo '# Custom sysctl Parameter for ipv6 disable' >> $DisableIPv6Conf
- echo 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1' >> $DisableIPv6Conf
- echo 'net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1' >> $DisableIPv6Conf
- sysctl --system
- sysctl -p
- sysctl -a | grep -ie "local_port" -ie "ipv6" | sort

Create a directory and upload files to it over the network


- mkdir /run/mydir
- [ wget, "", -O, /run/mydir/index.html ]