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Cyberduck — is a file manager that supports FTP, OpenStack Swift and Amazon S3 protocols. You can work with Cyberduck via a graphical or console client.

Customize Cyberduck

  1. Configure access.
  2. Configure the client.

1. Set up access

Access can be configured by a user with role Account Owner or User Administrator.

  1. Create a service user с a role with access to object storage. If you are using a user with the Object Store User role, the container must be configured with the access policy.
  2. Issue an S3 key to the user.

2. Configure the client

The graphical client is available on Windows and macOS.

  1. Set Cyberduck client.
  2. Launch Cyberduck and click New connection.
  3. In the profiles field, select More options. A separate settings window opens.
  4. In the section Profiles profile Servercore S3 Cloud Storage. To work with the profile, the container must have a Virtual-Hosted addressing is enabled.
  5. In the new connection window, in the profiles field, select Servercore S3 Cloud Storage.
  6. In the field Access Key insert field value Access key from S3 key.
  7. In the field Secret Key insert field value Secret key from the S3 key.
  8. Click Connect.

Command format for the console client

To work through the console client, use commands of the following form (with Path-Style addressing):

duck --region <pool> --username <access_key> --password <secret_key> --<command> s3://<s3_domain>/<container_name>


  • <pool> — pool where the object storage is located;
  • <access_key> — field value Access key from S3 key;
  • <secret_key> — field value Secret key from the S3 key;
  • <command> — Cyberduck command, some of the commands can be seen in the CLI documentation;
  • <s3_domain> — S3 API domain depends on pool where the object storage is located;
  • <container_name> — container name.