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S3cmd — is a command-line interface for working with services that support Amazon S3's HTTP API (S3 API).

Customize S3cmd

  1. Configure access.
  2. Install the client.
  3. Create an S3cmd configuration.

1. Set up access

Access can be configured by a user with role Account Owner or User Administrator.

  1. Create a service user с a role with access to object storage. If you are using a user with the Object Store User role, the container must be configured with the access policy.
  2. Issue an S3 key to the user.

2. Install the client

С GitHub S3cmd download and install the client.

3. Create s3cmd configuration

  1. Open the terminal.

  2. Open the configuration mode:

    s3cmd --configure
  3. Enter Access Key — field value Access key from S3 key.

  4. Enter Secret Key — field value Secret key from the S3 key.

  5. Enter Default Region — pool.

  6. Enter S3 Endpoint — S3 API domain depends on pool where the object storage is located.

  7. Enter DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket — S3 API domain depends on pool where the object storage is located. The settings will be saved in the file ~/.s3cfg:

    access_key = <access_key>
    secret_key = <secret_key>
    bucket_location = <pool>
    host_base = <s3_domain>
    host_bucket = <s3_domain>

Working with S3cmd

You can see all commands in the instructions Usage S3cmd documentation.

Create a container

Create a container:

s3cmd mb s3://<container_name>

Specify <container_name> — the name of the new container.

View list of objects

Check out the list of facilities:

s3cmd ls s3://<container_name>

Specify <container_name> — container name.

Load object

Load the object:

s3cmd put <path> s3://<container_name>/<prefix>


  • <path> — path to a file in the local directory;
  • <container_name> — container name;
  • <prefix> — optional: prefix which will be used to load the object.

Delete object

Delete the object:

s3cmd rm s3://<container_name>/<object_name>


  • <container_name> — container name;
  • <object_name> — object name.