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SSO authentication

SSO authentication

First authentication

Once invited to the account, the federated user will receive an email with a link to authorize by SSO and federation ID.

  1. In the email, click SSO login.
  2. Enter the federation ID.
  3. Optional: to avoid entering the federation ID each time you log in, check the checkbox Preserve the federation.
  4. Click Sign in.
  5. You will be redirected to the authorization page at the credential provider. After authorization, you will be returned to the Control Panel login page.
  6. Enter full name.
  7. Click Sign in.

Authentication at every login

  1. В control panels on the login page, click Log in with SSO.
  2. Enter the federation ID or select a saved federation. The federation ID can be seen in the invitation letter or requested from the User Administrator.
  3. Optional: to avoid entering the ID of a new federation every time you log in, check the checkbox Preserve the federation.
  4. Click Sign in. You will be redirected to the authorization page at the credential provider.
  5. Authorize with the credentialing vendor.

Authentication errors

If federation has not been configured correctly, errors may occur when authenticating a federated user. Error Groups:

  • SAML001 — SAML099 — federation configuration errors on the Servercore side;
  • SAML100 — SAML199 — validation errors on the credential provider side (SAML Response);
  • SAML200 — SAML299 — other errors.
SAML001 — SAML099 — configuration errors on Servercore side
SAML001: saml_idp_is_not_configuredSAML-compliant IdP has not been configured on the Servercore sideCheck it out federation setup on the Servercore side
SAML002: saml_idp_certs_not_configuredThe federation in Servercore does not have a certificateFor the federation add certificate issued from a credential vendor
SAML100 — SAML199 — SAML Response validation errors
SAML100: saml_response_invalid_request_id

Incorrect SAML request identifier. Possible causes:

  • repeated authentication attempt within a single request (SAML Response);
  • the time allotted for user authentication has expired — after going to the authentication page, it took 10 minutes or more for the user to enter credentials
Go to the authentication page from the Servercore control panel and authorize again
SAML101: saml_response_invalid_destinationParameter Destination is not set correctly in SAML Response

Expose the correct URL for SAML Assertion Consumer Service on the credential provider side:

SAML102: saml_response_invalid_in_response_toSAML Response was created for an authentication request with a different identifierGo to the authentication page from the Servercore control panel and authorize again
SAML103: saml_response_invalid_issuerAt federation Servercore has an invalid value for the field IdP IssuerIn the federation settings in Servercore, set the correct value in the field IdP Issuer
SAML104: saml_response_invalid_signature

The signature of the received SAML Response is set incorrectly. Possible causes:

  • the credential provider returned an incorrect SAML Response. You can check if the SAML Response is correct using third-party utilities (for example, Onelogin);
  • an invalid certificate has been added to Servercore for the federation
SAML105: saml_response_subject_not_foundSection Subject is missing from the received SAML ResponseConfigure federation on the credential provider side so that the SAML Response includes the section Subject
SAML106: saml_response_name_id_not_foundNameID is missing from the received SAML Response

Configure federation on the credential provider side so that SAML Response includes the parameter NameID:

SAML107: saml_response_user_not_foundUser does not exist in ServercoreAdd a federated user.
If a federated user is added, make sure that the value of the field ExternalID of the created federated user corresponds to the user ID on the credential provider side.
SAML108: saml_response_invalid_assertion_xml

Incorrect SAML Response format. You can check SAML Response using third-party utilities (for example, Onelogin)

SAML109: saml_response_invalid_assertionIncorrect SAML Response

Check it out Configuring federation on the credential provider side. You can check SAML Response using third-party utilities (e.g., Onelogin)

SAML200 — SAML299 — other errors
SAML200: saml_internal_errorRequires clarificationCreate a ticket help desk
SAML201: saml_malformed_requestIncorrect request parameters from credential provider to Servercore after authentication on the provider sideCheck it out Configuring federation on the credential provider side