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Connect to a dedicated server

Connect to a dedicated server

You can connect to a dedicated server to remotely manage it:

  • SSH — for servers running the Linux operating system;
  • RDP — for Windows servers;
  • VNC — for macOS servers;
  • via KVM console — for servers with any operating system and for servers of the Chipcore Line value-added IP-KVM connection for 3 hours.

If you order a server without an operating system, you can manually install the OS.

View parameters for connection

Parameters for connecting to a dedicated server can be found in control panels:

  • user name (login) and password — in the top menu press Products and select Dedicated serversServers → server page → tab Operating system → fields Login и Password;
  • public IP address of the server — in the top menu press Products and select Dedicated serversServers → server page → tab Operating system → field IP.

If you forget your server password, you can reset and restore it.

Connect via SSH

The SSH protocol is used to connect to Linux servers.

To connect to the server, you can enter a username and password or use a pair of SSH keys. We recommend using SSH keys instead of login and password — you can only connect using keys from the computer where the private key is stored.

You can store public SSH keys in the control panel in the SSH key store.

  1. Optional: Create an SSH key pair and place the public SSH key on the server.

  2. Open the CLI.

  3. Connect to the server:

    ssh <username>@<ip_address>


    • <username> — user name (login). You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversServers → server page → tab Operating system → field Login;
    • <ip_address> — the public IP address of the server. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversServers → server page → tab Operating system → field IP.
  4. Enter the password. The password can be viewed in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversServers → server page → tab Operating system → field Password.

    If the server OS was installed from a Linux image prepared by the Servercore team, the number of authorization attempts is limited. After 10 unsuccessful password attempts from one IP address, that IP address will be blocked for 24 hours. If you have forgotten your server password, you can reset and restore it.

    If you are using SSH keys, you do not need to enter a password.

Connect via RDP

The RDP protocol is used to connect to dedicated Windows servers.

  1. Open the menu StartConnecting to a remote desktop.
  2. In the field Computer enter the public IP address of the server. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversServers → server page → tab Operating system → field IP.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Enter a username. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversServers → server page → tab Operating system → field Login.
  5. Enter the password. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversServers* → server page → tab Operating system → field Password.
  6. Click OK.

Connect via VNC

To connect on a local computer, you can use a client for VNC. The standard port for connection is 5900.

The VNC protocol is used for remote access to dedicated Windows, Linux, and macOS servers:

  • Use RealVNC Viewer to connect to macOS servers from Windows or Linux;
  • Use a suitable client to connect to Windows and Linux servers from different operating systems:
Installed on WindowsInstalled on LinuxInstalled on macOS
RealVNC Viewer
Remoute Ripple
  1. Start the Finder.

  2. Open the menu transitionConnecting to the server.

  3. In the field Server address enter:


    Specify <ip_address> — the public IP address of the server. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversServers → server page → tab Operating system → field IP.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. Enter your user name and password. You can look in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversServers → server page → tab Operating system → field Login и Password.

  6. Click Sign in.

Connect via KVM console

Connect via the KVM console to the control panels can be connected to a dedicated server with any operating system.

To connect via KVM console to Chipcore Line servers, order an additional service IP-KVM connection for 3 hours. For more information on working with the KVM console, please refer to the instruction manual Manage the server through a KVM console.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Dedicated servers.
  2. In the section Servers tab Server list.
  3. In the server card, click . KVM console will start in a new browser tab. If required, Expand the KVM console window.
  4. If you have an X8DTU motherboard, synchronize the cursor.
  5. If the KVM console asks for permission to start, confirm the permission by pressing Run.
  6. If the KVM console prompts for authorization, move the cursor in sequence to the Username и Password and click on username и password in the lower right corner of the window. The values in the fields will be inserted automatically. If you do not see the button in the lower right corner, reconnect to the console.
  7. If the KVM console control panel appears in front of you, select the section on the left menu Remote control. On the remote access page, tap Launch H5Viewer.
  8. Authorize on the server. View login (username) and password (password) can be in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsDedicated serversServers → server page → tab Operating system → field Login и Password. The password is available for review 24 hours from the start of the OS installation or configuration change. If you are connecting to a Windows server, make sure that the English layout is enabled on the server when entering the password.