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Top up

The method of deposit depends on the country of residence and currency that was specified during registration.

Ways to replenish the balance

UZSBy bank card of Uzbekistan (via Uzum),
wire transfer

Top up

Payment processing takes a few business days, the processing speed depends on the bank.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Billing.

  2. Go to the section Billing Overview.

  3. In the block Balance click Top up.

  4. Choose a payment method Bank account.

  5. Enter the payment amount and press Continue. An invoice for payment will be generated in the control panel.

  6. Send the invoice by email or download it in PDF format. You can do this later on the invoice page.

  7. In the payment order, specify the data from the invoice:

    • payment amount. To change the amount, generate a new invoice;
    • details of the payment recipient (details of Servercore);
    • payer's details;
    • the purpose of payment from the invoice.
  8. If the money is taking a long time to arrive, you can speed up the enrollment. To do this file a ticket and attach to it a payment order with a bank stamp of execution.

View payment status

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Billing.

  2. Go to the section Transaction history.

  3. Click on the operation.

  4. In the field Status check the payment status.

    Pending paymentPayment is created in the control panel, but payment is not made
    EnrolledMoney is credited to the balance or charged for the service
    Conditionally enrolledThe money has been credited to the balance and is available for use, but has not yet been credited to the servercore settlement account
    Pending clarificationMoney has been received, but not credited to the balance (payment was received from a third party or incorrect payment purpose is specified), please wait for a ticket from technical support
    RejectedThe processing center rejected the payment (incorrect card data, problems on the bank's side, etc.)
    ReturnedRefund of bank card payment on the basis of return documents
    DeletedThe payment has been deleted because the money has not been received. Unpaid bank accounts are deleted after 30 days, other payments are deleted after three days