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Balance Status Notifications

Balance Status Notifications

Notifications can only be configured for fixed assets balances. They are sent even if  balance has bonuses .

Notifications are connected:

If you have multiple users in your account, you can set up balance notifications to be sent to them by subscribe them to notifications from the Balance & Payments category.

If you prefer to receive notifications in messenger, you can enable Telegram notifications.

When activating the notification, please note that when top-up balance from a bank account, the payment may be delayed in processing by the bank. The balance should be sufficient to operate the services while the payment is being processed. If funds take a long time to come, speed up replenishment — create a ticket and attach a payment order with the bank's mark of execution to it.

Working principle

When a notification is connected, a threshold amount and frequency of notifications is set for the notification. When the fixed assets balance becomes less than the threshold amount, you will start receiving email notifications. Notifications will come at a set frequency, for example, every three hours.

When notifications are automatically connected:

  • threshold amount — the amount for seven days of service, calculated based on your current consumption. If consumption rises sharply, the money on your balance sheet could run out sooner;
  • notification frequency — every hour.

When you change an automatically connected notification or connect a notification manually, you specify the threshold amount and frequency of notifications for it yourself.

Enable balance notifications

  1. From dashboard in the upper right corner, open the menu (account number) and select Balance & Payments.
  2. Go to Billing Overview.
  3. In the Balance Notifications block, in the balance row, enable notifications.
  4. Enter the balance threshold.
  5. Select the notification frequency: one hour, three hours, six hours, 12 hours, or 24 hours.

Change balance notifications

  1. From dashboard in the upper right corner, open the menu (account number) and select Balance & Payments.
  2. Go to Billing Overview.
  3. In the Balance Notifications block in the balance row, change the desired parameters — balance threshold or notification frequency.

Disable balance notifications

  1. From dashboard in the upper right corner, open the menu (account number) and select Balance & Payments.
  2. Go to Billing Overview.
  3. In the Balance Notifications block, in the balance row, turn off notifications.