Dedicated servers
Physical servers of off-the-shelf or custom configuration whose resources are isolated and available only to a single client. Servers are hosted in Servercore data centers in different regions and pools
The main things about the product
How dedicated servers work and how areas of responsibility are distributed
Availability matrix
In which regions and pools different types of configurations are available
Payment and pricing model
How to pay for the server, what is the payment model, where to see prices
Users and roles
How to differentiate access to account and resources using user types and roles
All about the product
General Information
Basic information about dedicated servers: description, payment, additional services and more
Order a dedicated server
How to choose a suitable configuration and order a dedicated server
Working with a dedicated server
How to connect to the server, create and place an SSH key, install the OS and other instructions
Working with applications
How to install an OS with ready-to-use applications on a dedicated server
Dedicated server networks, traffic consumption pattern, network limits and other guidelines
Troubleshooting and restoring the performance of a dedicated server